29.3 Fanmeet

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Kongpob leaned closer to the masked fan like they were about to kiss. His casual move sent the crowd's imagination out of control, causing them to scream.

He ignored the screaming crowd and focused on Arthit. Arthit was hyper-aware of the reaction of the people around them. He tried his best not to show how affected he was. Knowing this man right in front of him, he would be teased to no end.

Arthit heard Kongpob whispering to him, "Should I tell them we're dating?"

Out of reflex and how comfortable Arthit was with Kongpob's usual teasing, he punched the male on the shoulder.

There was a loud gasp. Even Kongpob was caught off guard with his punch, touching his arm. Everyone froze.

Arthit's eyes widened upon realizing what he just did. He was all panicky, not knowing where to put his hands. He wanted to touch Kongpob to see if he was alright but he was also scared to do more damage.

For a whole 5 seconds, no one spoke until Kongpob broke the awkward atmosphere. He laughed so hard, happy to see that his P'Oon was not so shy anymore. He could bravely inflict bodily harm on him without being afraid. (a/n: I do this to my close friends when they tease me XD)

"Wow! You guys must be really close." The MC commented.

Kongpob smiled and affectionately put his arm around Arthit. "I like to think that we are. He's someone who I can be myself."

Even with the mask covering his mouth, from his body language, anyone could see how flustered he was.

"It feels like we're shooting a BL series right now." Jennie jokingly whispered through the microphone.

Arthit badly wanted to hide behind his friend. The only thing stopping him was that it would only make the screams from the audience louder.

"Nong? Is Kongpob saying the truth? "

A mic was thrusted in front of Arthit's face.

He nodded and smiled under his mask. "Hello I'm Kongpob's friend. Just call me PinkCoffee."

"OMG This is the sensational fansite master Pinkcoffee?"


shortest update ever.

Just dropping by to tell you guys that I'm alive XD


fanboy |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang