[Day 0] Its Okay

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It's Okay

I woke up today feeling blissful as ever. Ready to conquer the world. I got out of bed fixed the sheets, pulled my blanket up the bed, fluffed and strategically placed the pillows, and flattened any wrinkles or folds. In my dresser, I picked out a sunny mustered shirt and ripped dark jeans. I went to the bathroom took a shower, put on the clothes I picked and went down the stairs to prepare breakfast.

I took out the frying pan, eggs, bread, and oil spray to prepare my breakfast. I glanced at the clock to see how much time I had. Thirty minutes. I can get this done and be out by then. I gently cracked open the egg leaving no eggshells in the egg batter and began to cook them. I took the bread and placed it in our rundown toaster. We couldn't afford a new one and this one still worked so it was fine.

As I was cooking the eggs I smelled something burning. I checked the toaster to see smoke emitting from it. "No no no no!" I thought to myself reaching to grab my toast. As I tried to grab my now burned toast out of the toaster I burned my hand. Should've thought of unplugging the toaster.

I unplugged the toaster and ran my hand under cold facet water then went to the bathroom cabinet and grabbed a bandage. "It's okay I thought. Everything is going to be okay"

When I returned to the kitchen my father was waiting there with a stern look on his face. I knew I was in trouble. He moved his index finger signaling me to come towards him. Reluctantly I walked towards him. There I stood as he raised his hand and slapped me across my left cheek.

I could count every time the sting would hit my face. It was like a pulse. 1, 2, 3, 4, I was brought back to reality when my father started yelling at me for ruining our only toaster. I apologized looking down to the ground and ran out the door.

Checking my little flip phone it was half past eight. I was going to be late. I started dashing to get to my bus stop. As I was getting closer to it I could see it leaving. Waving my hand I yelled for it to stop but to no avail. The bus left without me.

"It's okay," I thought to myself "If I run fast enough and take short cuts I'll make it in time" I started running again, My book-bag slapping against my back with my math textbook inside. I didn't mind. It isn't nearly as important as getting to school in time so I just pushed through it.

A car drove past me and splashed muddy water around. Some of it got on my jeans. It was okay though I could just try and get it out at school. An abrupt sound of thunder shook the skies. It was going to rain. "Luck just isn't on my side today." Slapping my face I told myself it was going to be okay if I kept running.

Checking the time again; I was almost late however I could see the school up ahead. I smiled brightly getting all excited that I was almost there until I felt a drop of rain tap me on my head. The rain got heavier and a bunch of tiny raindrops came down. "Guess I'm getting another shower," I said.

As the rain started shooting down from the sky even faster it got harder to see. Water kept landing on my glasses. I really wish people made windshield wipers for glasses.

Being the clumsy clut I am I managed to trip over a rock. My papers in my bag flew out and onto the moist wet ground. Panicking I picked them back up trying to save them but I couldn't. All of my work ruined and I was now late for school as well. "If I take the papers with me and explain what happened I bet my teachers will understand!"

Finally making it to the school I sat down in the nearest chair and took a deep breath. Soaked in rain with mud on my jeans, makeup everywhere, and foggy glasses I made it. I took a minute to sit there for my legs to feel better due that I ran at least one and a half blocks as well to dry off.

Placing my dripping wet back-pack in my locker I went to my first period. That I missed twenty minutes I walked into class and my teacher was VERY upset I wasn't here on time. She yelled at to go get a pass from the office and I ran back out. I got the pass and handed to her. Snatching it out of my hand and ripping it up she told me to go sit down.

For the remainder of the school, my backpack hitting my back with a math textbook in it and running about a block started to get back to me. I was hurting all over. My back stung as if I was constantly getting attacked by a swarm of bees. It felt like both my legs had two hundred pound balls cupped to my ankles. My makeup smeared in every direction looking like the clown from it. I was freezing as if it was winter from getting so wet and the ac in the school certainly wasn't helping but I kept on going.

Kids made fun of me for looking disgusting and smelling like the outside as I walked passed. I thought it was raining inside or at least the roof was dripping because the water was falling down my cheeks. I looked up, trying to find the leak until I realized...I was crying. I haven't done it since I was four. I tried to get them to stop but it only made more fall.

I made a dash for the girls' bathroom and slammed the door shut. I kept asking why I was crying. There was no need to. I'm not dead so there's no need to cry. I'm not starving so there's no need to be sad.

Later on that day I came home to my parents arguing once again. I swiftly and quietly went to my room and slowly closed the door. I didn't want to interrupt them; and sat on the floor. My ominous closet stared me down as I sat there. I glanced at my belt on my floor and thought about it...Tears welling up in my eyes again I decided to just go to bed.

Same day every day. Always unlucky but It's okay. My life is still better than others.

Words: 1131 unedited

Hey! If you read this I'm going on this journey to try and improve my writing skills. You can probably already tell how bad it is but I'm trying. This story was actually really sad to write for me anyways. I probably didn't portray the feeling correctly(writing this before editing) but oh well. The writing prompt was to have a character always patient even in frustrating times. Thanks for reading!

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