The 4 Things Im doing to try and get better

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In the morning I write down literally anything in my head for two minutes or more

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In the morning I write down literally anything in my head for two minutes or more. Then I pick a word I can describe with our fives senses and try to avoid using the words smell, touch, see, hear, and taste. I also try explaining everything in more description

The third one I do is Show not Tell. It's harder to explain but you make up a basic sentence that tells you what the character is doing. Ex: She is reading a book. Then I try and make it more descriptive. Showing how she's doing the action

Ex: She picks up the book she found on the ground and opens it carefully. Her eyes now glued to the pages she flips the page tenderly. The sound of the papers being flipped echos around the room.

I naturally have bigger words in my head or replacement words for things but sometimes I do like to use trusty ol google to find another word.

Ex: I was trying to find another word for gentle for the other example and used google to find the word tender

And the final thing I do is find a writing prompt and write 500-1000 words about that prompt.

I'm doing this everyday trying to get better and I hope this helps out others trying to get better

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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