how did he see you

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The time it got dark, you were getting some food at a shop. you asked a man to get your food.

"Hello, what can i get for you."

(y/n): "can i get two tacos please."

"Is that for here or to go."

(y/n): "to go."

"Ok, that will be 7 dollars and 5 cents."

You gave 10 dollars to the man and you wait for your receipt number for your food.


A young man named koji who was wearing his sweater and it shows the wolf logo on his right chest and the hoodie too. He had a mask on his mouth, was he going to kill you, was he going to slice you into piece's.

then, he walked up to you that what you were doing.

"why hello there little one, what are you doing in here in this world."

(y/n): "hello, i am getting my own food to take it at my place.

"That's nice, i didn't get your name by any chance. so, what is your name."

(y/n): "well, my name is (y/n). what's yours."


(y/n): "nice to meet you koji, so what you been up to."

"Well, i've been doing stuff lately like doing some laundry and clean around the house. what about you."

(y/n): "I just do the same thing as you koji."

koji likes making a good conversation with you, then you hear your food number to be called on.

"Number 210."

You grabbed your food bag and you said thanks to the man. you walked outside with koji.

(y/n): "let's walk outside koji."

"Okay, let's go."

You and koji walked out, the sky was nice and dark. it showed white stars and they look beautiful. when you got to your house, koji gasped that your house was nice and huge.

"wow, i never seen your house so big before."

(y/n): "yea, it looks very nice koji. you like my house koji."

Koji went silent, he managed to say yes or no but he did say yes.


You gasped that koji said yes, he liked your house. then, you turned the lights on to see everything. you walked to the table and sat down with koji, so you can eat your food.

"So, tell me about yourself."

(y/n): "i like to play games but i can teach you how to play. also, i have a tv in here that you can watch anything you like koji."

"Your going to teach me how to play games (y/n)."


"ooh, i would love to play games with you."

(y/n): "yep but not right now koji, we will play later in the morning around at 10."

"ok but, can i tell you something."

(y/n): "sure, what is it koji."

Koji looked at you, he asked that you are dating anyone.

"Are you dating anyone."

(y/n): "No koji, i am not dating nobody."

he managed you that he wants to be your boyfriend.

"d-do you want to be my boyfriend (y/n)."

"sure thing koji."

Koji is happy that you were going to be your boyfriend. he planted a soft kiss on your cheek.

"i love you (y/n)."

"i love you too koji."

Koji wrapped his arm around on your shoulder and that you were his.

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