How did you start to like them

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• Caspian

It was a bright warm sunny day in the brawlhalla hub, you were at the beach with your friends. there was kor, asuri, sentinel, dusk, jiro, orion and last not forget. Caspian.

Caspian wears his swimming trunks, he set his beach towel down on the sand. He lied down on the beach towel, then he put some sunscreen on his body. so he won't get sun burned.

He put the umbrella on top on the sand so he can be in the shade. there was a slight pause on you. you feel your stomach rumbling, you were feeling hungry until you get something to eat.

A man was selling hot dogs and it cost one dollar. so, you got up and went to get your wallet from your backpack. you took out your wallet and take your dollar bill out of your wallet.

Then you walked in front of the man to get your food.

"Hello, would you like some hot dogs."

(y/n): "sure."

"okay, that will be a one dollar."

You gave the dollar bill to the man and you said thank you to him, you went back to your usual spot where you sit.

You eat your food and suddenly, Caspian got up from his beach towel. he take off his mask and wow, he his completely quite gorgeous.

his eyes are dark green and his hair is dark red and a white stripe on his hair. you blushed at him when he took off his mask, after when you done eating your food. you drink your water bottle since it was hot outside.

Caspian was in the water playing by himself, then he was done playing in the water. He got out of the water and grabbed an extra towel to dry himself up. Caspian walked up to you to say hello to you.

"hello there, what's a beautiful girl doing here at the beach."

you giggled at caspian, you asked that you wanted to sit with him at his spot.

(y/n): "hey caspian, can we sit at your spot so we can get to know eachother."

"sure, let's go."

You and Caspian walked at his spot where the umbrella is, you sit down with him and asked him what does he do at his house.

(y/n): "so Caspian, what do you do at your place."

"hmm, well i like to play cards with my friends and do magic tricks."

you gasped until Caspian said the word magic tricks, you asked him if he can do a magic trick.

(y/n): "Caspian, can you do magic tricks for me."

"Alright, i will only do a magic trick just for you."

Caspian took a card out of his pocket in his swimming trunks then he showed it to you.

"now, watch this card and make it disappear."

Caspian has a card on his left and he flicked the card on his right hand, then the card went poof. where'd did the card go. he asked you what's behind your ear.

"what's that behind your ear."

Caspian takes the card behind your ear and told you if it's your card or not.

"is that your card."

You gasped, that's when your card was yours.

(y/n): "wow, you are a magician Caspian."

"Thank you, but i didn't get your name actually. What's your name."

(y/n): "well, my name is (y/n), what's yours."


(y/n): "love your name caspian."

Caspian chuckles, he wanted ask you if your single.

"are you single (y/n)."

(y/n): "yes."

"wow, i'm single too."

Caspian was single too as the same thing as you are, then he asked you if you have a boyfriend.

"do you have a boyfriend (y/n)."

(y/n): "no caspian, i don't have a boyfriend."

he managed you that you want one.

"well, do you want one."

(y/n): "yes please."

"okay, i'll be your boyfriend (y/n)."

(y/n): "yay."

Caspian giggles and he starts to smile at you, he gave a kiss on your cheek.

(y/n): "i love you caspian."

"i love you too (y/n)."

Caspian loved you very much and he would take care of you, and by that he would never leave you.

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