0.1 Called to the stand.

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(Eren POV)

Where am I....? Oh yeah I remember I'am at the court house right now with my head between my legs begging for this to be over. The the attorney for Eren stood to call the two people who his mother left in his will saying if they wanted to adopt his they may as well could. But both wanted him so now there a court to decide which one of them would get possession of him.

"All rise, I call to the court Levi Ackerman and the other defendant Petra Ral."

I've heard thoses names before and looked through their files that were placed before me just yesterday afternoon right after my own fathers trial......where he admitted to murdering my mother.........

But so on from those memories, I've read there files. Levi seems to be that wise figure while Petra is a funny caring person, although I only seen a picture of Petra and not levi but I want to know what he's looks like. Cause I saw on his portfolio that the two were dating at one point. But now it seems she's engaged to another man named Auruo.

I heard the door open and the sound of footsteps followed all the way to the stand. I decided to lift my head out my self made hide-y-hole. When I looked up I almost gasped there was no competition at all to say the least. Levi ....I didn't even know but his body was short and he had a long ever lasting scowl on his face. Plus he had a wrist tattoo and his ears pierced.

Petra on the other hand you couldn't glance at her in the wrong way you could defiantly tell that she was the probably the kindest person on earth. Her outfit consisted of a lime green wool jumper and scarlet like leggings that matched her hair.

Levi was wearing a V-neck red long sleeved shirt and black jeans with red stitching outlining parts of the jeans. And he had some assorted chains hanging form the jeans. His face was monotone like he never cracked a smile ever in his life, why would mother give me off to a person like this better yet why not just only put Petra in her will to take me?

At that point I had no idea why my mother had chosen both of them, maybe cause they were dating? Hell if I know. But I was soon to find out.

"Petra Ral state please state your case." Petra straightened herself out and started. "I think Eren would be happy in my home mostly out of my love for his mother I would gladly take him in with me and Auruo. I guess I could be like the mother figure for Eren and Auruo the father figure." One problem with that she and him would never replace the nice family I once had....

Now it was Levi's turn after Petra went and said some more stuff about how she would honor me as her own, even though I've only probably meet her three time at family vacations. Plus I wondered what she exactly meant by honoring me so much?

"Levi if you could." The judge said. Something told me he was just waiting to mention something else beside the reason for his adoption for me. He started "If I could state something real quick. Eren is going to be getting a financial aid from the government or something that has to do with his moms will right?"

Now I was more puzzled what the hell did he want with that. But anyway to the answer my defiant person or whatever replied with a slow nod. "Well one thing if you checked Petra portfolio thing or whatever shit, you'll find she and her fiancé are about to break their bank in finance issues. Also I'am guessing the kids puzzled by the honoring him thing and that. Well Petra at one point got pregnant from what I know and she aborted the child saying she wasn't ready for that kind of thing yet. So basically she going all game with no pain as some would say. But wouldn't that really contrast the point of a child I mean she literally killed her own and is probably out to get that financial aid that gonna be Eren's allowance."

I was almost a gaped at what he had said. I know was going to be getting some money or whatever but I didn't. See on the portfolio that they were about to go bankrupt, plus she killed her own child ........I did not like this at all.

The judge took in what Levi had said for a moment. I wondered what her verdict was going to be I'am pretty sure levi was better than nothing. "Miss Ral is this true?" Petra looked at Auruo for answers but he was just glaring a murdering glare at levi. "Yes it is but where going to take out some loans an-"

"That's enough Miss Ral, how are expecting to take care of another where your about to plunge into bankrupt. Do YOU think that is fair to Eren, also I'am being nice and just going to disregard that you ever aborted your own child. But things are not looking up for you Miss Ral, not at all."

In the end of it, Petra case fell apart I was going home with Levi. A man I have never met or even talked to their for either. But if he was in my mothers will then so be it.

"Well this is as far as I can come Eren please call me if you have any problems." My defendant handed me her card and went on her way. "Hey kid!" I saw levi coming up behind me. "Hi...." He shook off his coat for a moment. I was confused why it was the middle of November and it was freezing, but we were still inside the court house. "Here you look cold." He threw the coat at me.

I just managed to catch it before it fell to the ground. "Thank...Y-you" I never had a stutter before but after the incident I don't think I'll ever be able to get over it. "You want Asian." I looked at him confused but then guessed he mean Asian food. "Yeah I'll eat whatever y-y-you want m-me to I g-guess." I could tell my stutter was annoying him.

Once we pushed open the doors. We were ambushed. By news reporters people here cause the case was for public viewing but not this part. There mostly here for a story the one where a boys father murdered his mother right there in front of him. "Eren how do you feel about your father Grisha?", " Eren is this now your new foster care taker?", " Why didn't you go with Petra." And on top of that I heard more comments about levi.

Like 'how dare they let him go with such a abomination he'll probably end up with the kid doing drugs!' 'The fuck look at all thoes tattoos and piercings. He can't even set an example with his body like that.' I felt a hand tugging me further into the crowd of people. People who could have just been like my dad. People I was more scared of .......actual people than anything. Hardest thing to tell is if there lying is if there really going to hurt you or not. And in the back if my head was the shy little boys voice. 'I'am scared please help me. Everything hurts. 'Please make it go away

It started another panic attack, as well with my horrible stutters to "G-g-get the h-hell off-f-f me!" I started to scream and kick finally I think a shot was fired. But it was blank from a police officer. Once the crowd backed away from me all you could see was my little body huddled onto the ground holding onto myself for dear life. "Eren shit!"

I felt someone tugging me upwards, it was levi. His arms were encircling me tight as if I was the last thing he could lose. I felt somewhat comfort in these arms somewhat the comfort my mother once had gave me too long ago. "Next person to fucking touch him, I cut a bitch! NOW BACK THE FUCK OFF!" God he did have some suppressed anger issues.

We were then escorted all the way to Levi's & my now new home apparently levi lived in a suburban area with quite a big house. Let me explain about three stories, including the attic, I think the forest behind his house was his backyard and I don't even wanna explain how we had to drive all the way to the doorstep from the gate which is the front yard.

"We here brat. Come on." I took the hand that levi now placed in front of me. I took it with my new life as well.


I decided to stop here but there will be more of an introduction to Eren's past life and stuff like that. Hope you like it I'am trying for a new theme. Please comment, it's keeps the chapter coming faster if I have positive feedback. As well keeps me living.

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