0.2 Body Mind & Soul

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(Eren POV)

I felt a bit numb after what happened over the past week. All the shit that turned my life upside down and all around. And what stabbed me in the back was hatred, pain, and the feeling of sorrow as well as betrayal. Either way after experiencing all this I wish my body had gone completely numb sooner.

"Eren, could you stop moping on your bed. Your gonna go through all the five stages or whatever sooner or later anyway the food is here. Come eat it before it gets cold." Great now was I only forgetting levi doesn't care if I fucking cry or not nor mop around he just has to feed me send me to school and give me a place to sleep. Piece shit he was.

I made my way down stairs to where levi was sitting at the table we the take out spread out like a buffet. Not to mention I was hungry then ever in my life I hated vending machines and their crappy snacks. He was only drinking something and not eating the take out.

I took notice in the way levi was holding his cup. Just by the brim, a good way to drop it in fact. "How do you hold it that way?" I asked without even realizing it. After taking a sip of whatever he was drinking he answered "Cause I learned how to hold it this way with out spilling or dropping it."

I looked down at my lap a little still uncomfortable with the situation. "Brat if you don't eat it. It's going to get cold..." He said almost in a demanding tone. I jumped a bit at this but soon started putting some of the stuff on my plate and eating it. "Thank you for the food...." "Sure thing kid."

I see he found another nickname for me that makes two 1. Brat & 2. Kid. Not that I liked them at all but I was scared to defy him from calling me them. "Starting next in 3 days your gonna be enrolled in Titan high." He said unexpectingly. At least I had at least 3 days to get comfortable. And not be pushed into things too fast, everything going at a mild pace. For now.

There was knock on the door, it was silent but just loud enough for both of us to hear. "There's someone knocking..." He looked at me, "Then go answer it." He said like I was stupid. I went to the door and looked through the peek hole I could see a girl with short black hair and a red scarf. I opened the door hesitantly just to make sure of no surprise attacks or something's like that.

"Hello there." I nodded as my 'hi'. She took off her shoes and stepped inside like she's been here before. "I'am sorry but I'am Levi's sister, Mikasa who are you?" I sifted a bit as I saw Levi viewing the whole introduction. "I'am Eren. Levi was on my mothers will to adopt me, so he did. Sorry but I don't want this conversation to go anywhere else so I'am going to my room."

I really didn't know what to say with Levi starring at me and short notice to make up a conversation that I really didn't care for or wanted to start. "Eren...." I could tell Levi was getting up to make me stay but I was already upstairs and in my room by then. but I left opened my door a crack just to hear their conversation downstairs with levi and his so called sister Mikasa.

"Levi we have to talk about this. I saw and heard what you said on T.V...." I heard a chair scrape against the hard wood floor downstairs "Yeah and so what Mikasa I ain't mean shit by it but they were practically suffocating the kid." Mikasa's reply came out hoarse "Levi just because you were in Carla's Will didn't mean you had to literally fight for him against Petra. Plus I know what Carla meant to you but you didn't have to do it.", "Carla, Mikasa was like the mother we had once but abandoned us then we found a safe place and Carla feed us and clothed us the least we can do is make it up to her either way we wanted to or not by taking in her son."

I didn't like Levi's tone he had it was a fierce one. "Eren come back downstairs would you." I hesitated for the last time that night and took my time coming downstairs. The first thing that slips out of my mouth was "You knew who my mom was? How?" Mikasa was on her way to explaining but levi shot her her down and told it to me himself.

"We were strays you could say Eren. Me and Mikasa we abandoned by our own family who couldn't care for us and your mother who was in early pregnancy with you, found us and took us in with care. Your father was on the iffy side of taking us in. Saying we might hurt you or Carla, but we didn't I could assure you that much. We helped Carla all we could well Mikasa kept you mom off her feet by doing chores and running errands for her-"

Another question slipped out "How old were you both then?" Levi ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "We were around 17 and for me I was going on 18 about then. Now be quiet and let me finish your first damn question." I finally sat on the stairs while they were sitting at the kitchen table.

"Levi don't be mean to him." Mikasa glared at him. "Fine. Let me finish this okay. So what I was suppose to do while Mikasa was doing her little thing was to basically entertain Carla or just help her out a bit. In fact I helped her name you." I was surprised to hear this cause I though my dad had named me. "She also had this thing where she wanted me to touch her stomach cause whenever I did you would kick. I don't why she did so much for us, I mean we we're let alone stranger and she didn't even know our backstory to how we got onto the street in the first place."

"That's how my mom was. If she though she could help somebody she would with hesitation." Levi tch'ed at the way I had said was, I could tell this was another thing that irritated him. Me going through my moms death with these seven stages. "You know if you took me in just out rivalry with Petra. Just send me the fuck back. One they gave me your fucking profile you know. And two I'am getting bullshit from everyone right one just cause...! You!"

Mikasa looked at me with sympathy. "Look she was my mom okay I didn't want this happen and I know now neither did you. So send me back if I'am such a useless whore ass bitch emo fuck. Cause I know that's what you want to call me right. RIGHT! FUCKING LOOK AT ME!"

It happened the break down, the regret, the hopeless hole I dug for myself to never ever see light from again. And nobody was coming to save me. I was on my way to my third stage, from Pain and Guilt to Anger and Bargaining.

I needed to get out of this situation now.

"God just leave me. Just leave me alone to die in pain."  I feel to my knees and just was done completely. I felt someone at my side. Mikasa had ran to my side.

"Eren....we'll figure out more things in the morning. Right now your mind is not in the right place, and it's gonna lead down a road of depression and pain. So just try and get it back in the right place for now alright?"

I nodded. I couldn't say much of anything else, cause I knew I would break down again. Either yelling or sobbing.

I hurried to the guest bedroom Levi had gave me. I dove under the covers felling immediate comfort by them somehow.

But I could hear someone coming upstairs, hopefully not coming for me. But atlas they were in my bedroom not that I could tell if it was Mikasa or Levi cause my body was facing away from the door.

"Goodnight Eren, .....please don't leave me just yet." It was Levi's voice. It sounded smooth and smothered at the same time.

I felt the bed sink in. Levi had sat down at th end where my head was. I felt something soft and warm come in contact with my forehead.

Levi had just actually given me a kiss goodnight.

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