0.3 Deprivatary Emotions

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It had long passed the time I had left before I was to go to school. And now here was me while I wait at my bus stop with my messenger bag on my shoulder and lunch, with school supplies along in it.

Mikasa got the school stuff set and everything. She's been at Levi's house a lot lately, but at my best guess she usually isn't. Anyway she wasn't this morning which I was hoping she would so I wouldn't have to feel the morning raff of the tention between me and Levi.

Also I was wondering who was gonna make me lunch since Levi objected to letting me eat the schools, and I quote "Shitty ass lunches that taste like absolute child abortions." I really didn't feel like eating after that comment.

But in the end he made one for me and I decided not to look and sorta make a surprise out of what he gave me for lunch.

But the only manditory thing I really wanted was to get a ride to school that was not the bus. But Levi wasn't having that shit and I decided not to pester him with it anymore but maybe later I would.

It was a chilly gloomy day but you could tell the sun was just waiting to get out from behind those clouds. But the sun of bitches clouds just wanting to be a bitch and block the sun anyway.

If you couldn't tell my whole mood was crap. And I was just about to go off on anything that moved. Besides that there was this blonde kid who had kinda long hair but not enough to look like a girl. He got my mood message from a mile away and only bothered with a "Hello", which I decided to be rude and not even bother replying.

Bet he thinks I'am a real jerk now. But really I just wanted things like the first day if school to halt till tomorrow when I don't necessarily feel like absolute shit.

The bus finally rolled up to the stop sign and make the sound of squeaking air, like it's tires just got popped and all the air rushing out of it. I decided to let the blond kid go first just to see what I am dealing with here.

He stepped up and onto the bus, then so did I trying to seem like I've always gone on this bus. But the bus driver had to stop me before even making it past the yellow line, "You new or you trying to get on this bus cause you missed yours." I muttered a simple "I am new." And the driver let me go past. The bus was crowded. And the only seat left that I could get was next to the blond kid.

I was really counting my luck that day to get an empty seat all to myself. I trudged past all the legs in the eile way and people staring at me. I had finally made it to the kids seat and slumped down next to him.

"Sorry about making you sit with me." I said so suddenly even I didn't know I was saying it.

"It fine. By the way I'am Armin Alert." He smiled at me for the first time today. Maybe I could have just one friend. During the whole time I sat with Armin on the bus we got to know each other pretty well and hit it off pretty easily at that. "Oh look Eren were coming up to the school." I hurried to look out the window.

It was a really big school and that was just from looking at it from the outside. "Well I hope to see again maybe Armin." I said as we stopped to get off. "Yeah, maybe we could see each other at lunch?" Since me and Armin were in the same grade but not exactly the same classes we had lunch the same period. "Yeah okay."

We got off the bus and went our seperate ways.

I went to my homeroom. While walking there was the ocassional shoves and above all screaming to just try and talk to each other. I think I've already got a headache and I haven't even made it to my home room.

Although as soon as I got to my home room it seemed to settle down a bit. But was still rowdy. I needed to pick a seat now. One that wouldn't bite me in the ass afterwards.

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