Never Love me

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I am the one who lays on the clouds,

make thunder with my own sounds,

Rest my feet on the moons,

and sing with my magical tunes,

That is me if you ever heard,

Never love me,

and Don't you dare to

You never knew me,

and you can ask,

the oceans that fled to rivers,

the heavens burnt in hell's,

Ooh and the devils of paradise,

O'hh darling you are the only heavens I own,

Not much about love I've known.,

Please Run away and escape,

and never love me,

as Your are the only thing I own,

O'darling What Can I get you?,

O please answer me,

what can I get you?

I am not an ocean with shores,

nor heavens with doors,

nothing that I own that deserves,

your Love,

O' my beloved you've been mistaken again,

My heavens burn with fire fulfilled with sorrow and pain,

O'hh and I wish I can tell you,

I'm travelling on a journey alone,

Women I've met others I'd meet,

but like you I've never seen,

Your eyes,

coloured my journey,

O'darling its you and only you,

Who'd I don't want to travel with,

Leave me burn with my devils,

and set fire to heavens,

O' and I love you,

No woman but you,

you either drown in my hurricanes,

or keep sailing away,

though I am a hurricane,

that never stops,

But I love you,

and I will always do,

and...and If I do die,

before you even know,

I will write about the sorrow of love,

To God,

and ask him to forgive me,

as Never I could be perfect to you,

Leave me underneath my graveyards,

buried between the soils of life,

that swift from the waters of the sky,

and diverts by the burning suns of summer,

I write to you,

from the beneath of the grounds,

Never Love me,

And don't you dare to......

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