Chapter 1

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16 years later.

PS. Piper is Juliette and Warners daughter :) also idk I made the society a like weird form of government, like Juliette and Warner are the main decision makers and then Castle and all of em are their board of approval, some citizens are too.

Piper's POV

I stare into the mirror, hating what I have to do tonight. Tonight we have a banquet, meaning I have to put up with a lot of officials. None of them have a sense of humor, or an ear for sarcasm. Tonight is a big deal for my parents, they'll be announcing their second child. My other sibling.

I can't help but wonder how this little new munchkin will be. Will they be a she? A he? Will they look like me? I study my face, dark brown hair, blue eyes that look almost white from the lighting like design that is in them. Freckles lightly dotted my face. My lips are full, though I still have a bit of baby fat on my cheeks. I sigh, I'm 16, and yet I still haven't grown in to my body.

My body isn't mature. I have some hips, some chest, some butt, but it's hard. I'm already an outcast at school, and I don't even have my body going for me. My eyes flicker to my hands, and back again. No need to worry about that tonight.

Feeling fed up with myself, I go to my closet. Like my dad, I have a very organized closet. I have inherieted that from him, as well as my tendancy to be an asshole to everyone around me. I stare around, then my eyes meet the bag resting on my vanity in the center of the room. I tiptoe over, excitement and anxiety tracing my skin. I unzip the bag, and slide the silver dress out of it. I feel the material against my skin and discover it feels amazing.

The soft, poofy material calms my jittery nerves as I glance at the time. One hour, and then it's time. I turn on some music. The recent music really sucks, it's not as heartfelt as it used to be, before the Reestablishment ever happened. I feel like people are still scared to let their opinions loose. So, instead, I listen to music that probably teens my age used to listen to. I listen to alternative rock. My dad is constantly buying me books and CD's, plus cassettes, and vinyls from before. It's a sort of bonding thing. Since he can't be here all the time, we bond over something that matters a lot to us: music.

I let the beat fill my soul, and I begin stripping down to my undergarments. I pull the dress off the hanger, and put it on, first struggling with the zipper but I'm able to zip it all the way up with just a touch of difficulty. It fits perfectly. The silver of the dress contrasts against my hair amazingly, giving me the kind of look I was going for. I spin around, grinning at the sight of the skirt of the dress flowing outwards beautifully. It reminds me of myself, making me smile into the mirror.

I admire myself for a few moments and then my eyes wander to my hands. Glancing around nervously even though there's no one here, I try to summon my power. I haven't used it in so long it's a shock when I instantly see my veins light up, and the rest of the lights dim. My body is filled with incredible power and strength. A weight is lifted off my shoulders, no longer am I holding it back. I look in the mirror and see my eyes are basically glowing.

I twist my hands together, winding, concentrating, and then I see a manifestation of light and electricity filling my hands. I smile and hold it in my hand. I glance around and see nothing to electricute. I sigh, wanting to have been able to release the energy. I clap my hands together, and now my hands are empty.

I decide I need jewelry, I decide to go simple so I take a small ring from a little bowl and slide it on to my finger. It's a simple piece. It's a plain silver wire, but forms into a lightning bolt at the middle. I smile as memories of my parents giving this to me fills my mind.

I glance at the clock and decide it's time to get down to business. I turn to my hair, and I decide to do loose curls with some light make up. Once that's done, I've used 45 minutes of my hour. I decide to go get some air before the party. I step out of my room, and walk down the hall to where our greenhouse is. On the way I pass my parents' room and I see that the door is closed, usually they have it open. Frowning, I knock twice. On the other side, I hear feet shuffling and whispers. Then silence. I look around and decide to knock again. No answer. I frown once more and crouch down to the edge of the door, trying to see inside the room. All I can see is the light.

"Mom?" I squeak, once I've stood up. I take a step back, glancing around the hallway.

"Piper?" I hear my mom say from the right. The way I just came. She must be in the library.

"Mom? Where are you?"

"I'm in the library, sweetie." I sighed in relief and walked down the hall, singing a song in my head, and playing with my dress. I nearly run into one of the staff, Lucy.

"Oh! Sorry Lucy!" I chirp. She's the nicest of the staff here.

"Oh it's fine Piper, your mother is looking for you in the library." She said in her singsong voice. She was about 27, and seeked out this job when she was young and her parents were killed in the war. I've grown up with her all of my life.

I smile and thank her, and continue to run through the lyrics in my head once again. I even start singing quietly.

"Piper?" I heard my mom call. I stop singing and walk faster towards the library.

"Yeah? I'm here." I say and run down the stairs and see my mom at the bottom so I decide to jump and give her a hug. I fling myself into her, giggling. She laughs and catches herself before we both fall over. I hug her for a few seconds then let go.

"What's up, momma?" I say, and lean on the stair rail and make a face at her. I try to give affection to my mom as much as I can because of everything that's happened in her life.

"Piper, are you all ready for the dance?" She says cautiously.

"Yep, are you?" I look and see her in her PJ's still.

She gives me a look and says, "No, but I'm about to go get ready. Go help them set up, please." She says and looks at me with prodding eyes.

"Okay, I will. I'll see you later." I say, and turn, my dress swishing. I race up the stairs. I like running around the building with socks, so I can slip and slide on the hardwood.

I make my way towards the ballroom and see twinkling lights all over, illuminating the halls, and creating a magical feeling. I marvel at them and touch them lightly with my finger. I imagine them as stars, and smile despite myself.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" I nearly jump out of my skin when a man's voice sounds beside me.

I turn to see a handsome boy, about my age, looking at me curiously. I blush, and look away. His eyes were gorgeous, seemingly like the ones described in books of the past.

I forgot I hadn't answered, "Oh, yeah, gorgeous." I said, smiling slightly, but my anxiety levels shot straight up.

"Just like you." He replied, smiling smugly at me. I gave him a "seriously" look. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

"Wow, where'd you hear that pick up line? I mean, thank you but cmon." I scoffed, turning back to the lights and looking closely at the ribbon wrapped around the lights.

"Yeah, I don't like those either, my father told me to use it." He laughed, I looked at him incredulously, but all I saw was truth. I shrugged.

"I uh.... I have to go help them set up. Who are you, exactly?" I asked, clasping my hands together in front of me.

"I'm Riley, I'm the caterer, who are you?" He had a weird way of talking most of the time, but he sounded like a normal teenager.

"I'm Piper, it's nice to meet you." I said, smiling and holding my hand out. He shook my hand, and I noticed his hands were rough, and he had a very vice like grip. I immediately pulled away, feeling awkward.

"I have to go, I'll see you later?" I asked, rocking on my heels.

"Most definitely." He gave me a sure, toothy smile. I nodded and turned around, walking into the ballroom.

What a handsome boy.


Okay I only wrote for the people who commented, thank you so much for pushing me to write. Idk how much I'll be updating, but I hope you like this chapter:)

Comment your thoughts!!

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