Short Story 1- Cast Out

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He had beautiful wings. Had being the word. His wings had been covered in beautiful, soft, and pure white feathers. He had been blessed. Not all angels had wings like he did. Not even he had them anymore. This made him bitter and angry. The scars on his back where his wings had been were a constant reminder of what he once had. He had once been a proud angel residing in the heavens. He had been a fearsome warrior that mortals feared. And if it hadn't been for that damn girl... He would still have that life... But now, he was nothing. He was a fallen angel that had turned to his fallen brother for help and guidance.

He had discarded his name. He was no longer Sadriel, Bringer of Justice. He now donned the name Valvaroz Ag'thon, King of the Ghouls. A titled granted to him by his fallen brother, Lucifer. A title that didn't strike fear into the hearts of men quite yet. This frustrated him greatly as he was used to wielding great power and being well known. What was even more frustrating was the fact that he often found himself walking amongst humans, and taking on the alias Talon.

Talon Donovan Morgenstern, a pitiful name. A human name. How he had fallen. It disgusted him greatly. It disgusted him that he had been stripped of his power, his titles, and everything he loved. He had been dumped out of heaven for falling in love with a human. A fucking human. He had been seduced by a human and fallen in love with her. But it wasn't his affair with a human that had him cast out of heaven, it was the fact that she bore a nephilim child. A half angel, half abomination that was referred to as human. It was the fact that instead of giving her child up to be raised by angels, she fled and was assisted by Talon himself in hiding the baby.

He remembered that night. He remembered every gruesome detail. He remembered fighting his fellow brethren in order to protect his lover and his child. He fought so that his child could continue to live with its mother. He wishes he had realized that this woman, this human, would be his downfall sooner. If he had known, he would never have gotten involved. He wouldn't have slain fellow angels in order to protect this abomination, this mistake. He wouldn't have knelt before Michael, the archangel. He wouldn't have allowed him to tear his wings from his back and cast him out of heaven. But alas, he couldn't change the past... For now, he was doomed to live amongst humans and those that had been cast from the heavens as he had.

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