Short Story 4- Watching

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The pitch black sky appears to swallow all of the light in the sky. The stars are incredibly dim, and the moon is completely missing. Sadriel sighs as he glances up at the sky. His bright eyes search for his favorite constellation. His heart begins to race as the constellation appears to have vanished. Tears begin to well up in his eyes as he realizes the world around him isn't how it was anymore. Even the sky was against him now. Then again, it had been for a while.

His body quivers as sobs begin to wrack his body. He buries his pale face in his similarly pale hands. The tears that slowly roll down his face begin to collect in the palms of his hands. The droplets become small pools sitting in the creases of his hands. His loud sobs echo through the dark night. The thin scabs running down his back slowly tear open with each sob until thin streams of blood begin to soak through his shirt and run down his back. The pain only adds to the fallen angel's despair.

He knew he shouldn't be crying like this. He had brought it upon himself. If he had stayed away from the mortal realm as he had been told, he'd still have his wings. He'd still have everything he'd ever wanted. His titles, ranks, everything that made him who he was. Now, he had nothing. He had no name, no identity. Well... that wasn't entirely true. He had these wounds, a child, and a pathetic mortal name.

The forlorn angel isn't aware of the woman watching from a distance. Her bright green eyes watch him through her own tears. She knew that feeling all too well. The feeling of being abandoned. The feeling of fear of the unknown. She had once been here herself. Her heart aches for the sobbing angel, but she doesn't have the courage to move or even comfort him. Instead, she watches him as he writhes on the forest floor below him. She'd later come to regret not reaching out to him. She probably would have if she knew what he'd become.

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