Short Story 2- Sabreal

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"Your back is finally starting to heal." So they were. It had been months since Talon had his wings ripped out of his back. The jagged wounds had been weeping blood the whole time. Luckily he had Sabreal, a fellow fallen angel, to assist him in cleaning and dressing his wounds. It was odd. When Talon was in heaven, Sabreal had been his superior. He used to do her bidding and worship the ground that she walked on. Well, until she was cast from the heavens. Now, Sabreal did his bidding. It was strange indeed.

"I'm aware." His bitter reply made him cringe internally. He hadn't intended for his reply to come out that way. Especially since he was talking to Sabreal, a woman that he'd most certainly had a past with. He turns to face Sabreal, and hopefully apologize before she tried to kick his ass.

"Sab... I did-" He's cut off as Sabreal tosses his suit shirt at his face.

"You're a fucking dick sometimes, Sadriel. I don't know why I put up with you" Sabreal replies. There's frustration in her tone. And... was she actually hurt by his response? Talon pulls his shirt off of his head and tosses it onto the floor. He then approaches Sabreal. He sighs as he extends his arms. He hates physical contact. But in this case, he felt that is was necessary. Sabreal scoffs at Talon's gesture.

"You're unbelievable..." She mutters before allowing Talon to wrap his arms around her. Talon chuckles softly as he pulls her against his chest and begins to lightly strokes her blonde hair. He could feel Sabreal tense up as he begins to rock gently back and forth.

"What the actual fuck are you doing?" She whispers.

"Giving you affection." Talon replies. "I figured you'd like it. Was I mistaken?"


"Good." Talon continues to hold Sabreal and rock her slowly for a moment. A small smile crawls across his face. This brought back memories. Memories from a much simpler time. Sabreal suddenly releases Talon, and he does the same. Sabreal examines Talon's face curiously with her bright green eyes.

"Why are you smiling?" She inquires as she notices the small smile spread across his face. Talon shrugs as his smile transforms into a playful grin.

"Sorry. Can't help smiling in the presence of a pretty girl."

"Well aren't you charming." Sabreal replies as a grin spreads across her own face. "Now put your fucking shirt on. We have things to do today." She turns and begins to walk away. Talon rolls his eyes as she exits the room, slamming the door behind her. That girl was a handful. However, he felt lucky to have her with him. He wouldn't trade her for anyone else.

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