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-Denice's Pov-

As soon as Shay left the room all dressed up for her anniversary date with Tobias I cleaned up our mess and continued writing in the journal mother got me for my birthday. It was a new journey and lately I've been writing about my friends but mostly I wrote about Reid. I just met him 2 weeks ago as of today and it feels like I've known him forever. He totally gets me, and understands every concern that comes my way and needless to say I'm very happy with where am at. Ray was nowhere to be seen and to think she's probably with Jake so here I was putting my journal away in my bedside table when I came across my necklace and promise ring Carter had given me. I haven't worn them since I arrived and it got me thinking about him. I was so busy with Reid trying to mentor him and yet my boyfriend was miles away and here I was being flirtatious with another guy. The past few years since I've been here it was non stop love triangles for me. First it was Jake in the very beginning, than Ethan last year even Dylan, I didn't know what was going on with me I couldn't even believe I was doing this behind Carters back again and I felt guilty for it all I needed to hear his voice. Before I was about to leave the room I bumped into Ray who was walking in. "Hey, what's wrong?" She questions walking in when I close the door behind her. She always senses something is wrong with us which was one of her traits. "Nothing I was just going to use the phone in my mothers office. Since we got our phones taken away," I replied. She goes to sit on Shays bed and motions me over so I do and sit across from her. "What's on you're mind? I know when you're over thinking things you start to close off, don't think I haven't notice that." Her face looked concerned and as much as I didn't want to tell her my thoughts I needed to let it all go. I take a deep breath and explained to her about my doings, helping Reid and avoiding Carter. Being flirtatious and not knowing what Carter is doing or how he is. I told her everything and it felt good and knowing Ray she'll be straight up and tell me what is wrong and what is right. "Balancing a relationship and friendship is hard I know that now. You got to make sure you're lover is getting the same attention as you're friends too and I get that Carter is away and he can't come back maybe that's why you're getting close to Reid because he reminds you of him. I don't blame you and I'm not judging. But it is wrong to be flirting with another man behind the one you love, it's not right." She explains reaching for my hand. "Denice, distance love is something you can't do. As much as you love Carter and as much as I adore you guys together you need to figure what you're heart truly wants. Don't lead on Reid and catch feelings, maybe distant yourself from him for a few days to clear your thoughts, it will help." She added. I squeeze her hand and reach to hug her telling her thanks and taking in all the advice. Hearing her say that is what I needed to hear and yes I know distant relationships are hard, it's like dating a ghost but I do love Carter. It's been almost three years together I couldn't just throw that away for a guy I meant 2 weeks ago. I said my farewell to Ray and told her I'll be back around 11 since that's when Shay should be back from her date and made my way to the main offices which were closed. Mother must be back in her room and it was around 8pm so which means she's relaxing and as I made my way to her office door it was locked. I made sure nobody was around so I went outside towards the back and seen her window up above I probably have to climb or jump so I ended up jumping up and reaching for the ledge to pull me up. Her window was unlocked so I quickly climbed through successfully and crawled to her desk where the phone was sitting. Dialling Carter's phone number was nerve racking because it will be 3 weeks I haven't heard it since I went back home a week earlier leaving him alone in River Valley, I sure did miss his voice. On the fifth ring it finally picked up. "Carter?" I whispered into the phone. "I'm sorry, he's not home. Denice is that you?" Says an older voice and I knew it was Rosetta. Oh how I miss her. "Yes it is, how are you?" I ask. She laughs on the other end and tells me she's been quite busy at the house and that Carter wanted new interior in the living room so she had a lot to do these past 3 weeks. "Where is he anyways? I was hoping to hear from him." I smiled into the phone and kicked my feet up on the desk. "He had to go meet a new friend of his hours ago, it's getting quite late so I'm trying not to worry," she explained. I sit back up wondering what kind of friend this was but I shouldn't have to worry so I tell Rosetta to tell him I called and that I'll try another time.

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