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-Shays pov-

I barely slept because it was hard to when your curled up on a small wooden chair in the hospital type room. Every time I close my eyes I see her get killed and it made me not want to sleep. I stayed in my chair beside Tobias holding his hand the whole night and didn't let go. The next morning I noticed the bruises on his chest mostly gone. The bigger one that was left was a faded yellow and his leg healed through the night. Now he just needed to open his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes, how I longed to see them. At the same time a small part of me didn't want him to wake up because if he didn't wake up he wouldn't have to go through the pain of finding out his sister is gone. He wouldn't have to grieve her or say his final goodbye. But I knew he would wake up I just didn't know when. I sat quietly not moving and I sat listening to the slow hum of Tobias heart beat, I could here the students chatting as they walked by on their way to their first class. My twin stopped by to bring me fresh clothes before she headed off to her class. A hour later the clothes still sat neatly folded on the edge of Tobi's bed. Shortly after that Kayleigh came in with food for me to eat.

"I brought you some breakfast Shay," I didn't move and I didn't dare speak for it and if I did I would probably start crying again. I was tired of crying and I only stared straight ahead at Tobias. "Shay you need to eat something, you can't just sit here all day, I know your hurting. I can't even imagine what you went through and what you and Tobias will be going through. Just have a little to eat. Or at least go and shower I can sit here with him and watch for you?" Still I sat not moving. Not talking, fighting the tears that threatened to fall anxiously. I pulled my lip in rolling it between my teeth and I glanced at Kayleigh and then back at my boyfriend. Kayleigh sighed and got up walking out of the room. The food sat on the little table next to the bed getting cold as the day dragged on and the clothes still sat neatly folded on the edge of the bed. I brushed my fingers through Tobias hair and whispered softly hoping he could hear. "Oh love, please open your beautiful eyes, please." The last word sounding cracked as my voice gave out. I turned looking out the little window and it looked nice outside. My eyes started to drift closed only to be woken when Aria came strutting into the room holding a small bag filled with a dark red substance and the bag was labeled "mountain lion."

"If your not going to eat regular food can you at least drink some blood? You need something in your system. Please for me?" I reached out grabbing hold of the bag and tore it open with my fangs and drank. I drained the bag in seconds once it was empty I tossed it into the bin next to me and thanked her. Aria smiled wrapping her arms around me and giving me a small squeeze before letting go. "Don't worry hun, he should wake up soon I just know it." She spent the rest of the afternoon with me trying to make me feel better. Her and Kayleigh taking turns trying to get me to talk or to go shower and rest. But I didn't want to do any of those things. Before I knew it the final bell rang signalling the end of the last class. Ray, Denice and Jake came walking in and my sister started to shake her head when she spotted the cold food still on the bedside table and the clean clothes still folded nicely on the end of the bed. My tired eyes met hers and she pulled me in for a hug. "Shay you need to eat, and shower your starting to really smell. And also your clothes really need a wash."

"Please can you at least shower and change your clothes I promise to sit and stay here with him until you return. Please sis, for me your favourite sister in the whole world?" She had a cheeky grin plastered on her face I couldn't help but smile back. "Your my only sister you nut," I stood from my chair for the first time in hours and stretched. "Fine I will shower only because then you all will stop bugging me."


The shower felt nice and the hot water against my cold skin was wonderfully. I stood in the spray of the water watching as it turned red and black from the blood and dirt in my hair and on my body. I stayed in the shower letting the tears silently fall as I washed my hair and body. Turning the water off and getting out I put on the clothes that Denice had given me that morning. I braided my long brown hair then put on a fresh pair of shoes. Ray and I headed back up to the hospital wing since she came with me to the dorm so I can shower and I nearly started running when I heard Tobias heart rate which had picked up a little. I pushed my way through the heavy wooden doors and towards my man. I sat on the bed next to him and placed my hand on his.

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