The Suburbs

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In all the years to come, both Lena and Kara made their best efforts to see one another as often as possible, but it really wasn't all that easy. Even though Lena had more than enough money to fund any and all of their trips, sometimes what she needed the most was the one thing money could not buy: time. She simply could not take time off of her busy schedule at work to visit Kara.

And Kara was in the same boat. She may not have been the CEO of a giant corporation, but that didn't mean she was any less busy. The entire reason she'd gone to the city to meet Lena in the first place was because she was studying to be a journalist. Of course, her small town had a few places for her to work, but it had always been her dream to expand her horizons beyond that sleepy little town of Midvale. Her assignment on Ms. Luthor had just been to give her a taste of the proper city life. Although Kara had since decided that it wasn't quite the life for her she did continue to pursue a career in journalism, and that was no small feat.

And then of course, there was always work to be done on the farm. Even if the Danvers had plenty of outside help on that, Kara's was always welcomed. As such, she didn't that much more free time than Lena. Even if both of them had the resources to visit one another, or bring each other to visit them, there just wasn't the time to entertain a guest. But even so, Kara and Lena did keep in very close contact with one another, making it a priority to call at least once a week and to text in all the free time they had in between.

Kara: How are you?

Lena: I'm good. It's been a bit busy here at L-Corp, but we're managing.

Kara: Good.

Lena: How's the farm been?

Kara: Same old, same old. Alex nearly crashed a tractor yesterday, but that was the most exciting thing to happen this week.

Lena: Crashed a tractor!? What happened?!

Kara: Maggie came to visit.
Both women paused to laugh at their phones. Lena had finally been able to meet Ms. Maggie Sawyer on one of her trips down to Midvale and it didn't take her longer than two seconds to realize how smitten Alex was with the cop. It didn't surprise her, then, to hear that Alex would've almost crashed a tractor, whether it be from excitement or not keeping her eyes focused on the path ahead of her, because of Maggie. To be quite honest, it was something Lena, herself, felt that she might've done had she been in Alex's place and Kara in Maggie's.

Even though the two had been friends for a few years now, Lena still wasn't quite sure where she and Kara stood. She knew that she felt a very strong attraction towards the reporter-in-training, but she didn't know how reciprocated that feeling was, nor did she know if her own feelings were romantic or not. Perhaps it sounded silly, but it was not entirely Lena's fault. Her love life hadn't exactly been that long or good or filled with little tips and tricks that she could learn from. Instead, it had been dismally empty, when it hadn't been rife with drama. So she really wasn't quite sure how she felt about Kara, or how Kara felt about her. Lena was a brilliant mind, but constantly second-guessing both of their feelings.

But even if Lena had been able to say, with 100% certainty, that she and Kara were both in love with one another, Lena still didn't know if or when there would be a good time to start up a romantic relationship. Of course Lena knew that long-distance relationships were a thing, but at the same time, it felt so strange for her to think about having a romantic partner who lived hundreds of miles away from her. And not only that, but as close as they had become with all of those visits back and forth to one another, Lena still didn't know if Kara considered her a member of the family. Sure, one might be able to say that of course Kara had feelings for Lena, because why else would Kara be so insistent upon all these back-and-forths? But once again, Lena's second-guessing reared its ugly head and she continually wondered if Kara's insistence upon their visits wasn't anything more than simple friendliness, classic southern hospitality. Besides, the visits were never longer than a week at a time, so in all the time the Lena and Kara had known one another, the two had probably still only spent slightly less than a year in the same place at the same time. Could that still be enough to be considered romance?

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