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@y/n- let me just take a minute to say a little something to you. Thank you for loving me through the first-trimester hell.Thank you for taking care of other kids when even breathing made me nauseous and I cried every day and wondered if I would always be this lazy of a person and maybe this was just my new life now. Thank you for never mentioning the horrible things I was eating and looking the other way when I had to eat every five seconds. Thank you for getting excited about this baby, even when I couldn't let myself because I was too scared of losing a baby. Thank you for reminding me all of the good that can come with adding another member of our family, even when all I can focus on is the fact that I will never sleep again. Thank you for rubbing my feet and that one spot on my back that is somehow already our sore. Thank you, simply, for being willing to take this journey with me yet again. Sometimes I know I look at you rather murderously, but that's only because I am imagining how uncomfortable I will be in a few months in this hot summer weather while you will be casually sipping the most delicious mojito known to mankind and I will want it so bad I will probably drool, but instead, I have to settle for boring water with a demure lemon slice, ugh.Sometimes, this pregnancy bit feels a bit unbalanced, but in the end, it comes down to the simple fact that there's no one I'd rather be doing this with than you, so thank you for sticking around.


Your Pregnant Wife 😘❤️
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