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👤- @y/n

@colbybrock- It's difficult to explain childbirth and the subsequent transition to parenthood to anyone who hasn't gone through it. (The word "amazing" comes to mind...) But despite being something that thousands of people experience daily, it's still so deeply personal. This is our child. This is our joy. And when he was born, we were the ones to welcome him into the world. We're the ones who are filled with such an overwhelming sense of love when we see him. And while other people have children and experience that love, no one else has this. No one else has you. And I am so thankful that I've had you by my side this whole time (although, I think in terms of childbirth, it's really me by your side). I'm so thankful that I've gone on this journey with you; that I've watched you turn into a mother so quickly and skillfully; that I've watched you fight through pain to make sure our son is fed and attended to and loved.I'm getting used to using that phrase — "you're amazing" — all the time. I know you'll give me new reasons to use it every single day. I know I'll never get tired of saying it and I know that it will never ever, ever lose its meaning.
@samgolbach- I'm officially an UNCLE !! 😄
@katrinastuart- this baby is just the cutest! 💙
@devynlundy- omg! He's here sorry I didn't get time to go to the hospital 😭
@jakewebber9- congratulations brotha! Your finally a father!! 👍🏻💙
@username- congratulations baby Noah is here!

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