Intro: A Prophecy is Made

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   The people of the small town of El Espejo were getting nervous. Very nervous. Why? Misfortune had fallen on them, in more ways than one. For the past months, the town's watering hole was fading. The crops were failing. And most of the elders and infants were coming down with serious diseases. Fatal ones.

It wasn't uncommon for events to happen like this. It was how quickly it had happened that was peculiar. There was a river not to far from the town. Kids play in it often. Sometimes they find objects of interest to them. But a young girl? 

All she did was either stare at the water or the desert sands. She also wouldn't trust anyone. Anyone. So she wouldn't speak to anyone. The townspeople just called her "Stream Girl" or "Chica Corriente".  But since her arrival (or discovery), the town had a wave of bad luck fall on them.

It started with the cattle. The cows wouldn't have calves. Thinking it was a poor season, the farmers simply waved it off. But coyotes had gotten into the well-protected pasture, killing the cattle. And from there, tension rose up the ladder. Pests. Famine. Drought. Disease. And death.

But there was good, too. At nighttime, the sky was a window to see outer space. Stars shone brighter when the girl arrived. And the orphanage in the home of worship had mysterious gifts left for the children. The garden they couldn't grow was also envying those from the major city. However, these deeds were unnoticed.

Soon, a riot formed over the young girl. So she ran. She left quickly. But when she left, so did the town's curse. And the town's water supply. Strangely, a prophecy was created. 

"When the water ruler is seen, the desert phantom will kill dreams. The girl will have to choose her path. Chosen right, the world will survive. Chosen poorly, the world shall die. In the end, her choice will follow. However, by nature, both the queen and king will have to obey their zollo."

For the prophecy to be fulfilled, the girl will have to come back. But its been years. The girl should be dead if time stalked her correctly as it would with any mortal. Yet, no one, not even her, knows the truth.

She's immortal... And invincible...

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