First Date

14 1 1

《Leo》You were laying on your bed when you suddenly hear a knock on your window, you go and see Leo there with flowers in his hands, "Hey y/n..." he says

《Rapheal》 Raph had texted you to meet him in a park and you didn't know why, but once you got there you saw the park completely empty like it always was and a picnic setup, you?

《Donnie》You were walking from school when you suddenly got an emergency text from Donnie telling you to meet him at a rooftop, panicked sense you thought he was in trouble you rushed over and saw a picnic set up there with your favorite kind of flowers, you?

《Mikey》Mikey and you were hanging out when he asks you if you tried pizza gyasos, you said no and he immediately dragged you to Marokamis to get you some, you?

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