𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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As time and trials passed, Jake wanted to say that it was fine, but it wasn't. He dreaded each trial more than the last, The only times he would feel slightly relieved is when he heard the ghostly whales of the spirit or saw anything other than The Shape. He didn't tell any of his team what had happened. Jake couldn't tell them that he was sexually assaulted an emotionless killer. This isn't the real world where he could call 9-1-1 for help and get Myers arrested, instead of Jake just have to hope he won't be in another trail with him soon.

As time continues to pass, Familiar darkness and the smell of death consumed Jake and transported him to his next trial. Once his eyes were wide open and the Darkness melted away, He shifted his eyes to the left and right to see where the Entity had spawned him. Just above looking at the skinny birch trees and the green frog, Jack knew that he was in Autohaven Wreckers. Now that you know the realm that he was in, all he needs to know was what killer lurking in the shadows.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Jake quickly and quietly search the area for any other generators that he can repair. As Jake walked through the murky terrain, his face lit up with a slight bit of happiness when he saw Feng in the distance. Turning her head, Feng noticed Jack and pointed to a generator near her.

Together, both of them walked towards the generator and started to work on it. Both Jake and Feng flinch as a scream cuts through the air, distracted by the screams echoing into the sky, Jake Didn't see that he crossed the wrong wires till the generator blew up in his face, Covering it in ash. Without hesitation, both of them sprinted away from the generator and head behind a cluster of birch trees.

"I am going to rescue whoever is on the hook. Go back to working on the generator once it's safe. Okay?" Feng muttered quietly, waiting for a response before running off to save the person who was hooked. Nodding his head, Jake replied, "All right. If anything bad happens though, I'll be on my way to help." She gave him a small smile before cautiously leaving the hiding spot. Hesitantly, She sprinted into the fog and towards the screaming victim.

When she was gone, Jack carefully watches the generator from his hiding spot that was a few spaces away from where it was located. Jake hands tremble and his eyes water as saw Myers Emerge from the fog that's the rounded the area. He clenched his fists as he nervously he watch the killer with his bloodshot eyes. Jake noticed his feet tremble. His legs twitched, fighting the impulse to whirl around and sprint. He knew that if he tried to run away, Myers would hear his heavy footsteps and he would instantly be spotted.

Using his trembling hands to cover his mouth, Jake held his breath as he stayed hidden within the darkness, feeling every beat of his heart pounding on a tree that he was leaning against. After what felt like an eternity, He watched Myers kick the generator Re-entered the fog that he came from. Still not sure if it was safe, he sat there for a bit before getting out of his spot and heading towards the generator.

As he continued to fix the generator, he was slightly happy to see that Feng and David manage to safely return to the generator. Quickly, the three of them work together and managed to finish the first generator. When the pop sound went off, they all scattered like the rats from that scene in Ratatouille.

When all of them were far enough away to consider themselves safe, Feng suggested, "Jake, Why don't you go look for the other one while me and David try to fix another generator?" Jake nodded his head, but he didn't feel comfortable with the idea of being alone. Giving him a reassuring smile, Feng and David quietly walked away before they left they said, "Good luck" wishing them luck as well, Jake set out on his mission to find the other Survivor.

Staying close to the borders of the realm, Jake tries to walk around the outside perimeter to see if he could spot anyone. Slowly, he started making his way towards the center of the realm, trying his best not to make a single noise. Interrupting the quiet atmosphere, a blood-curdling scream rang through the air like church bells. By the way, it sounded, Jake could tell that it wasn't Feng or David's so that meant it belongs to a different person.

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