Speed Kills

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Morgan Ellys

I was sitting in Social Studies class learning about how vital rice from Esha became to Erdu in the 1400s. It never grew naturally within the region until Eshan farmers migrated to southern Erdu through the mountains. This class ignored the political issues surrounding us to give us trivia facts. It was startling how much of our everyday lives were kept out of the classrooms.

I was sitting in the second row, taking notes in my composition notebook, trying to stay away. I was away for two weeks dealing with a similar issue. I decided heading to class would give me a reason to stay up, but I had no idea how distant this lecture was from reality. I had an hour and a half to be taught about Social Ethics and History. Yet, we discussed rice and war training the other part of our day.

"In summation, Erdu would have starved to death 600 years ago if it weren't for rice. Many of you would have never existed without rice." Professor Hulas emphasized as the bell rang.

Many students began packing until the shrewd woman blew a whistle.

"The bell doesn't dismiss you. I do!" she shouts, clapping her hands and blocking the door.

I was confused by the display, but most students around me sat down and groaned. I stood looking at the door as my phone began ringing.

"Mr. Ellys, I am happy you finally joined our class after two weeks on vacation, but could you please silence your phone? I have to give you all your homework assignments." Professor Hulas took a different tone with me, reserved.

"I told you already. It was no vacation. I was fighting Gorilla Bears in the jungle." I sighed.

My classmates began laughing, thinking everything I said was a lie. Few knew of my actual duties here at The Academy. They were students, and I worked.

"Mr. Ellys, your jokes will not be tolerated. If you are going to mock me, you can leave for another two weeks!" Professor Hulas slaps my desk, glaring at me.

"You were eating hummus again, too much garlic. Maybe brush your teeth." I mutter, leaning back in my seat and raising my feet on the desk, "If you're not going to believe me, that's your problem. Ask the LC."

"Get your feet off the table, and stop pretending you know The Lord Commissioner. The Lord Commissioner is far too busy to deal with the likes of you. Now silence your phone!" Professor Hulas raised her nose to the air walking away from my desk.

"My watch."

"Only soldiers have those watches," Hulas noted.

"Told you."

"Silence it!"

"Sure, why not?" I comply to see whose calling my communication watch is.

"Mr. Ellys, don't you dare answer that!" she insists, a bit more irritated.

"It's The Lord Commissioner."

"Oh, sure, and I'm the Queen of Maya. Put your phone away!" she barks at me, marching up to my face.

I hit call, and Ray Bradley Warren began to speak, "I need you in my office immediately. It's urgent. You'll deploy as soon as possible. Pick up your dossier after class."

"Mr. Commissioner? I mean- uh, Your Honorable Lord Commissioner, why are you calling this child's phone? What is urgent?" Professor Huals groveled in awe.

"That is classified to you... do you have me on speaker? Morgan! God damn you, boy." He hangs up, probably rubbing his forehead in his office and groaning.

"What... what?" Professor Hulas babbled, and the shrew, skinny woman moved out of my way.

"Uh, no need to apologize, okay? I'm going to get going. See what he wants, alright?" I picked up my bag carefully so as not to startle her. She seemed ready to have a heart attack.

Boyhood: Book One of the Guardian of Gaia SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now