The Strength of Woman.

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What makes a strong  woman?

Some would say that in order for a woman to be strong she must first understand what it means to have lost something truly dear to the heart. These same people would mention that it is not until heartbreak that a woman learns what kind of power she truly has, for without trail there can be no success. 

Others would say that a woman can only be considered strong if she can bench at least half her body weight and maintains a core strength that allows her to not be moved by the over powering grasp of her enemies. She must be both graceful and solid, because she can only rely upon herself. 

Mothers would say that a woman's true strength lies in creation of life itself. Not just through birth but the creation of how their child perceives the world. Mothers can weave a path of light through darkness with only her smile, train insecurities to stay at bay with a warm embrace. Mothers would tell you, strength is watching your child go out into the world every day and never knowing if its the last time you will see them or not. 

High-school girls will tell you that a strong woman is someone who has it all together.  A born leader, taking on life in a world dominated by men, never backing down and knowing how to use her skills to ascertain their ultimate potential.  

My friend Jace will tell you that a strong woman is someone who never backs down from their fears and faces adversity with a daring smirk. Challenging the world to become better and rise to HER standards or be non- existent as his older sister did when she bravely fought for our freedom. 

My sister will tell you strength comes from owning your womankind. Using the beauty of your smile, breasts and curvature to obtain power over the very oppressors who claim to hold her happiness in their hands without realizing they are succumbing to her siren song.

If you want to know my opinion, I'll tell you honestly. A strong woman can only be defined as a strong woman whenever she feels her own strength. Every woman is different, every strength evolving. The strength of women comes from the power of being a woman.

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