Meeting one to another

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Author's note: “Hi again, I know this is before the chapter starts but in the media, that picture was for last chapter. And I realized that I didn't add music for the first two chapters so I'll add one for this chapter. There might be another author note at the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter!”


Wait, what did that person mean when they said that they won't give up on me and that I won't remember them?

Voices... It seems like a pattern. Like Do Re Mi and so on, everything is blurry... I couldn't see anything really except I saw some black bunny ears. That was the first thing I made out before closing my eyes again.

“.... Will he be okay mister?” alto, this one sings Fa.

“Yeah... Hopefully.....” this voice seems like a tenor, they sing the first Do.

“What do you mean by ‘Hopefully’ Davis?” Mi, they sing as soprano.

“He's going to be fine at least.” Tenor Do Do.

“Might as well take him to the hospital Davis!” Soprano Re Mi.

“Sir... Uhm.... He doesn't need to be taken there actually, he just needs to rest...” Alto Fa Mi.

“How'd you know kid?” Tenor Re Do.

“He's being in some type of subconscious; he needs time to rest for a bit Mister.” Alto So Fa.

This kept going on and on for about an hour I think... Just wake up Bryan! “Ah god! Wh-” I yelled.

“Sir, your finally awake...!”

“Wh-... How long was I out?” I asked. Jon answered, saying that I was unconscious for about five hours. I wanted to panic, but I feel like that stinging pain might come back. Everyone looked worried, especially Moondust. She was about to cry again.

“Guys, I don't want to worry you but-”

I saw someone on Lefty's stage, they signaled to me with a scary death glare. I started to sweat a bit, then spoke out that I'll be fine in the end. Moondust looked at me with concern then turned to see no one on Lefty's stage.

“Moondust, what universe did you originally came from?” Jon asked, I wanted to ask that as well but kinda too late. Moondust seemed shy to talk about it, but had the confidence to talk about it. She then told Jon and Davis to get inside of the Medical Station with me and did some type of image show of what happened before coming here.

“Well..., It's called the Shaero (Pronounced as: Sha-ear-o) Universe. The people there are either shadows, like me and my brother, or some other creature, like a demon or something like that...” She showed an entire Earth but it was covered in shades of monotone colors(white, gray, and black, purple, blue, and other colors that seemed dark. “Anyway, as you can see; my brother is a bear. Why? Well my mother was cheating on my father and we went with him. Uhm... Later on in my life I learned about the infinite-way dimension. One of them is this universe. My brother was somewhere in this dimension, but now he's gone with the other four bears that you mentioned sir.-” she pointed at Jon “And now, he is somewhere in the multi verse with that purple man  and the other four...” her words made it seem so bold and daring but...

‘She's talking about her brother, Sky; He's 22 years of age, introverted, stubborn, and has the ability to see the future. You might thank me later Bryan...’ a voice called out to me as Moondust kept talking.

“I don't know why he took my brother, but I'll find him. And with your help too!”

“I'm used to the portal effects. I became evil, a werewolf, a girl even-” Jon paused my sentence and asked when I became a girl. I just replied to him that it was a long story and just told Moondust that I can go. Jon volunteered as well. Davis said that he'll watch anything that happens in the pizzeria, I agreed to that and asked if anyone else wanted to help. Happy Frog did. I'm glad that she wanted to help, but worried that she might get harmed too...

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