Chapter 9-The Mystery Man

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I wake up late that morning still on the couch with the biggest headache I've had in my life.

I roll over and hide my face from the light, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch and throwing it over my head.

I sigh and try to go back to sleep, attempting to find my dream of Danny once more, but moments later my phone goes off, making my head pound.

"Shit." I say to myself as I reach over and put it on silent, not even bothering to see who is calling.

It buzzes this time, indicating a voicemail.

I sigh and pick up my phone, groaning at the brightness of the screen. I quickly turn it down and see that Quinn has left me four voicemails and she called thirteen times.

Jesus Christ

I put the phone to my ear and listen to the first one.

"Hey Bryna, it's Quinn. I was just wondering if you wanted to hear the details of my stall sex today. I'm free until noon. I have to work Saturdays remember! Sucks so bad...I won't complain to you about work though. You work hard girl. Okay, well, just call me back when you get this, kisses!"

That was at seven-thirty. What kind of person gets drunk at a club and stays out until god knows what hour of the morning and then wakes up at that early sounding perfectly normal? Someone like Quinn I guess.

I click on the next one. Left at eight seventeen.

"Bryna! Get your ass up! Time is a tickin. I dunno about you but I have shit to do, places to be, people to see. I can't believe you aren't awake yet!"

There's another left at nine thirty-one. I press play and listen.

"Come on Bryn. I really need to talk to you. It's driving me nuts. Why aren't you answering your phone? Are you still angry with me? I'm really sorry. I don't know why Evan and I were in such crabby moods towards each other yesterday. Just let me make it up to you. I'll take you out for tea. Call me back when you get this. Love you!"

I listen to the last one. The one she just left a few minutes ago at ten twenty-three.

"Okay Bryna, now I'm starting to worry about you." The message says so loudly I flinch. "I've called so many times and you aren't answering the phone. I've even called your neighbor and they said they didn't see your car out front. I'm coming over right now and you better be there or I'm going to freak out!"

That's weird. I thought I was driving my car here last night, but then again I was extremely out if it yesterday. I don't even remember what happened really. I know we were out, I remember the stall sex Quinn is talking about. I vaguely remember almost doing the same with Evan, but that couldn't be a real memory.

Could it?

It could...


But did we actually have sex or not? That's the part I really can't remember. And how did I get home? Did he drop me off? Did he stay the night? Did we have sex more than once last night?

God...I hate this. Curse my drunk mind.

I do remember driving home on my own last night though. Maybe I took his car keys by mistake. That has to be it. I don't feel like getting up and looking to see if his car is here though.

I sigh and throw the pillow over my head. There is no way in hell I am getting up and dressed for Quinn at ten in the morning.

If I had my way I'd sleep until noon, but I know that's not going to happen, so I squeeze my eyes shut and hope I can at least sleep for the fifteen minutes it takes her to drive to my house.

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now