Chapter two: Ah, the you are my love

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The short-haired male let out a quiet grunt when he bumped into something, or in this case, someone. He looked up very slightly due to the small height difference and looked at the man o front of him.
His eyes were the first thing that Herc saw when he looked, then his lips, curled into a small smile as they moved but the man couldn't hear anything, then he noticed the other's tied up curly hair that was in a tight bun, then the stubble on his face, then his outfit- he wore a lavender turtle neck underneath a soft gray jacket, the trousers were baggy, which was understandable for that kind of weather, his boots were like Mulligan's but more elegant-like and a dark shade of cayenne.
"Monsieur, are you alright?" The guys voice finally faded back in for Herc, his accent was French and quite upbeat.
"Uh-Yes, sorry for bumping into you, I-was in a rush" Hercules explained himself, the stranger just shook his head and smiled the smile that Herc noticed right away about him.
"Non, it is fine, I'm Lafayette, et toi?" he asked, right, so apparently he mixed English and French together, that was fine.
"Hercules Mulligan, sorry, again" the very slightly shorter one hummed back, they shared a nod before Hercules walked into the building with dorms, he would've usually tried to make a conversation but today was just not his day and he appreciated the fact that Lafayette didn't mind it.
Opening the door to his room, Herc couldn't help but let his mind linger on the man he had met a few minutes prior, was he a student at the college? Perhaps he was new, the tailor set down his bags in living room after he had closed the door behind him. He took his shoes off and hung his coat on the hanger next to the door, as he walked to check on his roommate, Alexander, he felt his phone buzz- he checked it and sighed at the name before pressing answer call
"Elizabeth, hey love, what is it?" he asked with a soft smile, he and his girlfriend Elizabeth Sanders had been together for 2 years, their relationship still growing strong by every day they spend together, which wasn't that much recently.
"Herc! I was wondering if you could meet me at the park next to campus, I have a surprise" his lover's voice exclaimed from the phone, hearing Elizabeth just made the man smile, he loved her so much. He was planning on popping the question even but he decided to take it slow since both of them had really busy schedules for school. "Of course dearest, I'll see you at our spot?" he asked to which he heard an affirmative giggle "Yup!" huh, she was in a good mood, Herc wondered if the surprise was what was exciting her. Even though he had just taken off his outside clothes, he didn't mind getting back outside since it was for Her. It was for Elizabeth and he was willing to freeze for her.

"'Liza?" Hercules called out, his hands getting cold since he had decided to wear a coat without any pockets that time. Sigh, the things he'd do for that woman.
"Hercules, I'm over here you knucklehead" Elizabeth's voice rung behind him, a smile could be heard even in her tone as the man turned around "Ah, there you are my love" he announced with a chuckle, walking over to her and pressing a gentle kiss against her lips.
"So, what is the news?" he asked, obviously curious. Sanders pulled something out of her pocket, a grin plastered on her red lips as she waved some car keys in front of her lover's face.
Mulligan's expression shifted immediately from curious to ecstatic
"You passed?" he questioned to which Elizabeth nodded, letting out a laugh as Herc picked her up and spun her around
"I'm so proud of you! 'Liza, this is amazing, we gotta celebrate" the man announced as he set her back down, her dark green heels making a click against the ground as he did so.
"Aw, Hercy, I would love to" Eliza admitted with a smile that turned into a frown rather quickly "But I can't, curfew, remember?" she asked, pointing to her fancy rose-gold watch that read '8:30pm'
"Ah, darn, you're right, at least allow me to escort you to your dorm?" he requested, the woman looked panicked for a second as she frantically shook her head "No!" She raised her voice before noticing what she had done, smiling nervously, she shook her head again before patting Herc's back "I'm sure I'll manage, babe" she explained "Plus, you need rest, don't you have exams tomorrow?" she quickly walked away, her clover-green dress shining a bit in the light of the moon, her heels clicking against the pavement as she disappeared into the distance.
Wait, Mulligan had finished his exams...what was she doing? The man exhaled softly and wandered back to his dorm, saddened slightly that she didn't give him a goodbye kiss, but hey, at least they had seen eachother again. The last time that happened was about 4 weeks ago? If Herc's memory served him correctly.

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