Chapter six: At the Party P1

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Out of all the things that could happen, of course John and Alex didn't bring money for a taxi and of course Hercules needed to pay, shooting a glare at them as they entered the back of said-taxi. The party was a celebration, almost as if to say 'Hey, good job in surviving the first year in college! Only a few more to go' or some shit like that, the tailor was already getting uncomfortable as the echoing of loud music could be heard as they reached their destination, the exited the car, Alex and John already running off to go to the door as Herc paid, muttering to himself about how they owned him another 15 dollars.

Peggy's face was the first thing they saw in the house, she probably already drank because the way she walked gave it off
"Hey you two- oh! And Herc! Whassup? Come on in, we're just gettin' started" there was a slight slur in her words which made both the freckled man and the Caribbean man giggle quietly to themselves as the rushed in, a displeased Irishman following behind them.

This was a mistake, it was all a mistake. The party, the socializing, the fact that at the end of the night, Hercules would have to drag his drunk friends home. He had a great immune system, great for not having to deal with the embarrassing stories of what he would do if he was wasted- but bad for when he just wanted to drink his worries away, today was the bad day for his immune system.
As he walked over to the bar area, a light tap on his shoulder made him look over to his side
"Ah, I thought you looked familiar" a French accent murmured, voice being almost inaudible with the loud music

"Lafayette, right?"
Hercules asked, narrowing his eyes to see if the man did look like the guy that he bumped into just yesterday.
"Oui" the tall man responded simply, seemingly glad that Hercules remembered him "I am surprised that you remember me, honestly"
Herc awkwardly chuckled, shrugging as he sat down on a stool and turned to look at the man
"Yeah- um, I'm kinda surprised that you remember me as well...uh- who invited you here?" he questioned, unsure of how to continue the conversation.
"Oh! Well, I am a friend of Peggy and she sent me an invite a few days ago" Laf explained-
They sat in silence for a few seconds, not the uncomfortable kind of silence but a more peaceful one

A distressed voice shouted just as said-man was about to speak again, both the Irishman and the Frenchman's heads turned to look at John-
Why did he sound sad?- why did he look so sad?
"John, what happened, man?" Mulligan asked, standing up to look at his shorter friend
"Alexander did, h-he–" before Laurens could respond, Herc was already raising a hand to motion for him to stop
"This is exactly why I didn't want to be here" he muttered, hand lowering itself as he turned back to the taller man "Excuse us for a second, Laf" he took John by the shoulder and dragged him away and to a spare room
"Now you can explain, what did he do this time?"

"He kissed that Schuyler sister in front of me- he kissed Eliza Hercules!- /Eliza/"
Ah, Hercules now understood the problem.
Alexander had, once again, hurt John's feelings.
"John, buddy, you have to tell him somethin', if he hasn't noticed that you actually like him then there's something definitely wrong..remind me again how long you've liked him? What's that? Since freshman year in high school?" he had known Laurens for so many years- when the man and Hamilton met, Herc was so sure that he'd never seen John so in love with anyone before.
"Dude- you can't just be friends with benefits..that's slowly breaking your heart and I can see that- you're my best friend and I won't let him hurt you anymore....either you tell him that you like him or I'll tell him myself"
And with that, the part-time tailor was done.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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