2 0 0

10:22 pm, 959 km West from Darjeeling, somewhere in South Asia.

"Is the work done?" The husky voice spoke on the small cell phone.

"Do you even need to ask? She must have been already dead. We just have to wait till the girl finds out." The man with the steel-rimmed glasses in a brown overcoat said.

The husky man laughed on the other end. "Okay! Report me only when the next one is over." He said.

The guard didn't need reminders. He knew what was coming. He only had to wait for two more days until it was over. Three weeks back, he couldn't even imagine, he was going to get engaged in something like this. But doing this was making him go crazy. It was not the brain but the lust which was driving him into this. 

He was walking down the narrow alley towards the place where he was meant to go.......

Two blocks away, there was an intense meeting going on-

"You know, we have got the news about the maniac. He is somewhere in our locality only." The black-haired man said.

Rocking his chair back-and-forth the man to his right says," It's now or never. If we don't come into action now, we'll not be able to form our image.."

"Oh really! An image is all you worry about..Gibbo...when will you understand?" The third man said.

"You Shut Up! I know very well what to do! First, let the girl do what she wishes....soon things will automatically slip from her hands...We obviously don't need to behave desperately, right?"

The other two nodded in agreement.

Pushing back their chairs, they started to move out....all the three on different paths.

Gibbo...Or Gibson Mellit was walking down the river. He wanted to reach her house as soon as possible. He didn't have only one work but many appointments to make.

"Maria! Mariaaa! Open the door, dear. Gibbo is here see...Mariaa!"Gibson yelled from the door.

But then he heard something... a muffled cry of somebody trying to get help.

"Maria!" He whispered slowly.."Mariaaa! Maria!"He kicked the door open in three attempts but until then it was already too late.

With a dirty, pale white cloth tied to her mouth...Maria was lying on the floor...Her pink dress which she showed off last Tuesday now spattered with blood. Blood was all around her..Gibson fell to his knees when saw this..."Maria! Oh Maria!" He whispered.

His eyes searched the room for some evidence, something the killer had left....

The  note was stuck on the bedroom door, with shaking hands, Gibson removed it and read-:

She is not the the first one;

and she'll not be the the last one.

Be aware. One more day late and after your brother, your mom and Maria many more are there in the list..Remember that. I hope you will not need another reminder.

It was signed by somebody whose sign could not be understood but Gibson Mellit very well knew who he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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