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JT: I love you

"He's texting me again!" I shout to Nash , who was making breakfast for Cameron since he was sick....Again! "Give him a chance ,Maybe he's actually a good guy!" Nash shouts back. "I gave him a chance! He's rude" I say rolling my eyes.

CM: Suck my ass

"There! I texted him back." I say proudly. Justin Tan the boy who is obsessed with me since the 6th grade! 6th grade! I have rejected him many times, but he never leaves me alone! "Hey, Do you think if I change my number he'll stop texting me?" I ask Nash. "Yeah of course, Again why did you give him your number?" He asks. "I don't know, I'm stupid" I say honestly. "Change of subject! I have a new neighbor, it's a girl who lives on her own. Well I think she does, she's pretty but I like dick so I'm not gonna get with her"

I laugh at his comment, and fall back onto the couch. "This couch is safe ,Right?" I ask. You know why I'm asking this! "Yes, idiot" He laughs. Cameron enters the room, and kisses Nash. "Gross! Cameron you're gonna get Nash sick!" I shout at them. "Who said I was sick?" Cameron asks. "You told me , you were sick!" Nash says to him. He nervously laughs, and kisses him. "Stop being dorks, and come here" I say motioning them to the couch. Nash jumps on one side of me, while Cameron sits on the other side. "What are we looking at?" Cameron asks. I open the laptop ,and go on Twitter. "Look what's trending on twitter" I say pointing to it.

"#haaronisreal?! What the hell! This is fake right?! My little brother can't be with Aaron. He's to young!" Nash shouts crossing his arms. "Hayes! Get down here now!" He yells out. Aw Shit. "Yeah?" Hayes asks half awake. "Why is Haaron is real trending?! What did I tell you , Hayes! You can't date Aaron!" He says standing up. Hayes rolled his eyes, and groaned. "We're not together , Nash. The fans just got crazy, because of the video we made yesterday. Just get over it! We're just best friends" He explains.

"Okay! That's enough, Benjamin upstairs! Hamilton stay here!" Cameron says. Hayes runs back upstairs , while Nash angrily sits down. "Just leave the poor boy alone" I say trying to help the situation. Cameron grabs his hand to calm him down. "Hayes can't date Aaron! What if Aaron hurts him!" Nash rants. I look at Cameron, and give him a sign to shut Nash up. He nods, and pulls him in for a long kiss. To long! They were practically making out at this point.

"I'm going upstairs!" I shout , leaving the two fuckers in the living room. "Hayes? Where you at?" I call out. "In Cameron's room!" He calls out. I go in to see him video chatting with Aaron. "Hey Aaron!" I say waving to the screen. "Hey Cyles!" He says. Sometimes the guys call me that ,because they're little bitches. "So , Your older brother is shoving his tongue down Cameron's throat so I'm hanging out in here until they're done" I announce. "Again?! They need Jesus sometimes" Hayes says putting his clothes in the luggage. The guys, and I were going to Vegas in a week for an event there. "So, Did you guys see that trend?" I say winking. I look up to see Aaron's reaction ,and catch him blushing. "Our Fans are very interesting people, but I love them" Hayes says avoiding eye contact ,but I could tell he was smiling.

JT: Just love me for fuck sakes.

Thirsty Much? "Haha, Justin texted you again?" Aaron asks. I nod, and roll my eyes. "I can tell" Aaron laughs. "He's so fucking annoying" I say rolling my eyes. I go to the group chat, and text them.

CM: THIS IS THE PART WHEN I BREAK FREE! *Dances Uncontrollably*

SM: You're weird

KM: Thanks Love!

"Hey, Did you hear about Madison Beer?" Aaron asks. "Yeah! I can't believe her nudes were leaked!" I say. "You guys don't even know if it was real!" Hayes says annoyed. Aaron rolls his eyes. I have a feeling that Hayes likes this Madison Beer, and Aaron isn't happy about it. "Hey, The party has started!" Carter enters the room with his phone playing music. Carter saved this conversation, it was turning awkward! "Hey , Where's Matthew?" I ask.

"He left last night , He wasn't feeling so good. My poor baby" He says. "Are you sad now?" He asks. He nods, and frowns. "Poor little Carter, Come here" I say pulling him in for a hug. He hugs back, and we both end up laughing. "Y'all are weird" Hayes Whispers. "Yeah, You guys are" Aaron agrees. "Thanks! Well I'm gonna go out to eat, anyone want to come?" I ask. "Me, I got nothing else to do" Carter says.

I nod, and wave to Aaron and Hayes. "See you guys later" I say before walking downstairs with Carter. Nash and Cameron were on the couch watching a movie, at least they had clothes on. "We'll be back! No funny business boys!"

Nash laughs, and pulls Cameron closer to him. We walk out, and get in the car. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Let's go to McDonalds" Carter suggests.


"I want large fries, and chicken nuggets" I say. Carter says what he wants and wait for our food. "McDonalds is where Matt and I had our first date" Carter says making me laugh loudly. "What?!" He laughs along. "So romantic" I tease. "Haha , Well this is where we first hanged out ,out of school of course. I still remember it perfectly.

"McDonalds? I don't really like the-" Matthew cheered. "McDonald's is perfect! They have great fries!" Matt shouts. Carter awkwardly stands there, but a smile creeps up on his face. "I'm glad ,now we can be best friends!" Carter says smiling. Matt flashes a smile at him. Matt didn't want to admit it ,but he wanted to be more than friends even if they met like 4 days ago.

"Relationship Goals" I say poking him. "Are you guys in a relationship?" This girl asks twirling her hair. "No" I answer calmly. "Good" She winks at Carter making me cringe. "He likes dick" I announce. "What?! Really?!" She asks Carter. Carter let's out a laugh, and nods. She rolls her eyes and walks off. "This is why I'm friends with you" he says still laughing. They announce our number, and get our food. We sit by the playground , just watching kids play. No, we're not creepers it's just boring on the other side. "It sucks that you're single ,you deserve someone" Carter says eating a fry.

"No I don't" I say. "Aw come on! And no ,I'm not flirting with you" He laughs. I laugh along and shake my head. "I know, I just don't feel like I deserved to be loved by someone" I never wanted to fall in love. I was scared of getting heart broken. "Cylie don't say that" He says frowning. "Can we change the subject? Please" he nods, and gets another fry.


"Why do you defend Madison so much?" I ask Hayes. "She's beautiful" he says. "You're an idiot! Just because she's beautiful doesn't mean she's a good person!" I shout at the screen. "Calm down! Why do you care?" He asks. I roll my eyes, and close the computer. Automatically ending the call. "You're so stupid" I yell in frustration. "Aaron? Are you okay?" My mom asks. "No!" I shout back. "No? What's wrong?" She asks.

"Benjamin! He's-He's Ugh!" I say falling back in my bed. My mom looks at me weird. "Um, Are you okay?" She asks. I shake my head. "Mom, I'm in love with an idiot"

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