Chapter 1

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Monica gets put in the hospital and talks to her dead parents and sees Jacob at the hospital.
*Recap Over*


He walked towards me and I was so scared. Now is the time I really need my parents. He walked towards me and grabbed my head roughly. He put his lips onto my ear and growled.

"Listen here you little piece of s**t if you tell anyone about this I will ruin your life forever do you hear me" He said growling once again.

I couldn't say anything. He scared the living crap out of me. I was literally sharting bricks.

"Do you understand me" He growled in my ear continuously.

"Yes" I choked out through tears.

"Good" He said with his eyebrows unfurrowing and his face softening.

He then ran out of the room. Before he left I caught a glimps of his face. I saw something I thought I never would see on his face I saw a.......tear.DUN DUN DUNNNNN. Just kidding. I never thought I would see that. It's like seeing a purple moon. I know you're thinking there's no such thing as a purple moon it never happens. My point he never cries. Any ways I called Bethany back in the room and she told me I was being released from the hospital just a mild headache will happen tomorrow throughout the day. I got my medicine for the headaches. I then got in my car that Bethany drove here for me and pulled off in the distance.

I made it to my apartment and unlocked the door. I stepped in and smelled the great smell of me. I walked into my room and undressed and got in the shower.

I love to think in the shower. I like to think about would I would do if I wasn't so scared of my bullies. Like what I would do if I was able to stand up for myself. I would be fearless. I would have friends and I would be known as the beautiful, strong, confident, girl, with no worries. But now I'm known as Jacobs little toy that he can just push around all the time.

I stepped out the shower and dried off and got into bed on my phone. I then realized I had a conversation with my parents and they told me I can call on them and they will be there.

I closed my eyes and wished that they were there with me. I opened my eyes and there they were in a towel and a robe.

" um hey guys is this a bad time?"I asked knowing what was going on.

"Yes " they both say In unison as they both dissapear.

It was only 4:00 so I decided to take a walk at the park.I love to go to the park it's like the place where all of my worries wash away.I finally got there and there was this cute little boy playing on the slide. I saw him fall and immediately walked over to him. He was crying so I picked him up and examined his ouchie.

It's ok I'm not going to hurt you I told the little boy. Once he was feeling better I started to play with him. His name is Tyler.

"are you here by yourself" I asked him.

"No my brovers here but he went to get me some cream cream "He said in his little baby voice.

"Oh ok do you want to go find him" I asked tyler.

"No I want to stay here with you" He said reaching towards me.

"OK" I said back.

At that moment I heard and saw someone yelling, running and screaming Tylers name.

"IS that your brother" I asked him.

"Yesh" He said kind of sad.

I walk him to his brother and a sigh of relief comes from him.he thanks me then asks a question that I'd never thought I would hear.

"Do you mind if I get your number" He asked with hopeful eyes.

Did he just ask me MONICA ANGELIQUE JONES for my phone number.

"Yes I did"he said laughing extremely hard.

did I just say that out loud. My face flushed a dark shade of red.

"Yes you may " I said handing him my phone.

"Oh and by the way I'm troy" He said smiling sweetly.

"as you probably already know I'm monica " I said sheepishly.

"well I'm gonna go now come on tyler" He said walking away.

This had got to be the worst best day or the best worst day ever.

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