Nine: New Plan

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"Dara set up this cabin for me. The storm isn't meant to hurt us, just everyone else." His eyes flickered over to meet mine, just for a second, before looking back at Flower.

The two were sitting across from one another at the kitchen table. Kat was sleeping, still tired from the spell done on her mind. Me, on the other hand, I remained planted on the other side of the room, back against the wooden walls. Arms folded across my chest, I wouldn't dare move an inch.

"She sent me a distress signal when you arrived at the compound. We should leave as soon as possible. Mekhi is desperate to get his hands on me, which means he is willing to take anyone hostage. Even a certain blond whom he assumes I care about."

My jaw twitched. Zeke, on the other hand, was trying to hold back a smirk.

"They have my brother," Flower repeated for about the twelfth time. Not that I could blame her. If it had been Donovan trapped in the evil guy's clutches, I would have crashed in there on my own, if I had to. "I can't abandon him."

"Going back to your pack is your best option. You can get reinforcements."

I scowled at him. "In other words, it's not your problem."

"I suppose you could interpret it that way." Standing, both mine and Flower's eyes followed his every movement. "Unfortunately, I have my own problems to deal with. Well..." His eyes flickered over to mine, smiling mischievously. "Our problems now."

I was about to say something, anything, but Flower's chair squeaking against the floor stopped me. Plucking up her sabre, I couldn't tell if she was going to lob Zeke's head off or not. Instead, she rested the dull end on her shoulder. "I will escort Linda back to the pack. It's the right thing to do." Flower sauntered down the hall, no doubt to wake Kat up and hit the road.

It was just the two of us, then. I wasn't sure if I believed him about cursing me. Who else would do such a thing? We stared at each other, both trying to figure something out.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"Can't say," he replied, smirking. "I wouldn't want word to get back to your Alpha. I'm not sure he'd approve."

That didn't sound good. "So, what? You're not going to tell me at all?"

"Oh, I will tell you. After your friends are dropped off at the airport and I have your cell phone."

"I'm not giving you my cell."

"Already have it."

"What?" Alarmed, I patted my pockets. Brushing past him, I searched the room I had been staying in. Sure enough, my phone was nowhere to be seen. "Give it back!" I exclaimed, seeing that he was leaning against the doorway to the bedroom.

He shook his head. "I can't trust you, so no. The phone stays with me."

"Are we leaving?" Kat's soft voice drew everyone's attention. She stood beside Flower, still rubbing the sleepies from her eyes.

"Yes," I said, managing to sound happy for my dear friend. "Lead the way, Zeke."

"As you wish, Crystal."


I'd been weary of shifting into my wolf, but I didn't want Zeke to know that. Instead of complaining, I shifted with my head held up. Kat, who was sitting on my back, was holding everyone's clothing, including Flower's sabre. Just as Zeke promised, the storm didn't harm us. In fact, in the line we ran, the storm lifted its ferocious arms and allowed us to pass peacefully.

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