Thirteen: Cecily

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The lights were mesmerizing. Every colour on the spectrum arrayed by each and every shade it possessed danced across the bodies that stood underneath it. The lights shone like pointed lines through random darkness. It reminded me of a disco ball at a club, yet so different at the same time. These lights shot through puffs of smoke that permeated the air. It smelt nice; like flowers. Not perfume flowers, but the real deal. It was like I'd been transported to a field of them.

In fact, with a better look, the smoke were making shapes in the air. Animals, weapons, hearts, and things I didn't even want to decipher. There was a crowd of dancing bodies moving underneath the smoke and lights, swaying to the music that seemed to come from all directions. To the left was a bar, a golden fountain where many lounged around, and a golden staircase that seemed to go up forever. This entire place had to be enchanted.

As Zeke grasped my hand and began pulling me through the dancing crowd, I spared a quick glance behind me. Sam looked pale and Flower's eyes were widened from the room around her. "Sam needs medical attention."

"That, he will get," Zeke confirmed with a squeeze to my wrist.

We passed many different creatures, some of which I'd only heard of but never actually seen before. Fairies, pixies, goblins, you name it. Goddess, did this guy haul me into fantasy land, or something? My eyes were trained on a green skinned woman with beady eyes the colour of soot. When she saw me staring, she hissed; long, snake-like tongue and all. Yikes.

"They don't like being stared at," Zeke explained, suddenly close beside me again. I tried to pull away, but his arm snuck around my waist and held me close. "Stay close, love. I wouldn't want to lose you."

Pack werewolves didn't usually associate with other species. They usually stuck to themselves. Rogues, on the other hand, were a bit more lenient about who they spent their time with.

Zeke brought us over to the bar and saddled up against a short girl with curves filling out a tight, sparkly dress. He placed a hand on her exposed shoulder, causing her to turn and push back red hair. "Zeke!" She exclaimed, immediately throwing her arms around him. This caused me to have to pull away from him.

I'm not annoyed. I don't care if beautiful girls throw themselves at him. I don't care if his hand fell to the bottom of her back.

"Quinn, dear. I've missed you." He placed a kiss to her temple. My eye twitched. "Would you take my friend, here, to the infirmary?"

After two whole seconds of ogling, Quinn finally turned her attention to where Zeke was motioning; Sam's slumped over figure. Her white-toothed smile faltered. "Oh my. You poor soul. I'll get you right fixed up in no time. Oh. Who might you be? The brother?" Quinn asked Flower, completely ignoring my existence.

Not annoyed at all.

Flower nodded. "Yes. I'm his twin. I'll go with you two."

"Sure thing! Right this way." Quinn glanced behind her shoulder, shooting Zeke a wink. "You know which room I sleep in, Zekie-Bear. Come find me if you're feeling lonely." Quinn sauntered away with the twins in tow, flaunting her butt left right and centre.

When the words clicked, I whipped my head to look up at him. "If you tell me that you've slept with her since the last time you saw me, I will rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat."

For a moment, Zeke looked utterly confused. "We weren't exactly on speaking terms, were we?"

"No. But I was suffering with sexual frustration because I couldn't get anywhere within ten feet of the opposite sex, and you were out there being a man whore? What the actual hell?"

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