Visiting the town

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Hook's POV:
After I left Emma in the castle, I headed to my ship. My crew was there, all of them had worried. when they saw me they seemed relieved. Mr. Smee approached me and said,"Captain where were you?"
"It's none of your business, Mr. Smee" I stated harshly.
"Sorry Captain, we were worried."

I headed up to the captain's quarters.
"Well, I'm alright, as most you can see," I muttered. I continued walking to the captain's quarter's but Mr. Smee kept talking.
"When are we leaving this kingdom Captain?We are ready to set sail!"
"We are not leaving Mr. Smee, we are staying here," I simply stated.
"But why Captain?" He questioned, the entire crew listening.
"Because I have unfinished business."
I entered the captains quarter's . I couldn't stop thinking about Emma. Her smile, her beautiful eyes, she was perfect. I decided to try and sleep, just to clear my head.

When I woke up it was around 12pm. I went to the tavern where most of the men of my crew were, and started to drink. Then, when it was dark, I left to my ship. there was a bird with something on it's leg. I took the note and dismissed the bird. I unfolded the note, which said:

"Dear Killian,

I need to see you and show you something. Could we meet tomorrow in town, in front of the clock tower at 12pm? It's important, please come.

Lots of love,

"I will go Swan, I promise," i whispered. I returned to the captains quarter's to get some sleep.

Emma POV:
I woke up the next day, remembering what had happened yesterday. The letter from black beard and everything else, and then I remembered Jasmine, Aurora and Ariel were sleeping in my room. I got up, trying not to wake them up, but I failed.
-Where are you going?- Ariel asked me
-Eeeeh.. I was going to get ready
-Hey girls- Aurora said
-Hey Aurora, Jasmine isn't up yet?
-Nop, you know how much she loves to sleep. JASMINE WAKE UP!
- Five more minutes mom. Please
-No, I'm not your mother, and we are here for Emma remember?- Ariel laughed
-Emma, crap! Where is she? Is she okay?
-I'm infront of you
-Ohh... Heey!
-Girls, I think we should start to get ready- Ariel said
-Yeah, I thought the same- all of us started to get ready. I put on a red dress that was finished at my ankles. I put on my tiara and we all went downstairs. I was lucky that my tiara didn't fall. When we arrived downstairs my uncles, aunts, my parents, my grandparents and Aladdin, Phillip, Baelfire and Eric were all sitting down in the table eating. I sat down next to Roland and Aurora. I needed to ask my father if he would let me go to the town. I knew he would say no but I had to try. I needed to see Killian
-Dad can I ask you something?
-Sure sweetie, anything for you
-Can I go to the town?
-No! You know the danger and we don't want to put you in danger.
-But dad, I'm not safe her, I'm not safe there, I'm not safe anywhere. We need to continue with our lives as normal as possible, and I really don't like to be locked up in the castle. Besides I won't go alone, I could go with all of my friends!
-Emma, its dangerous
-I know dad, and I know you need to continue with your duties of King but just because of what is happening doesn't mean I can live scared, the best thing is that I continue with my life. PLEASEEEEEE!
-Charming, she's right. She can go with her friends we know she will be safe with them.
-Mmmm... Fine. you can go, but please be careful, and any sign of danger and you come straight to the castle. Also, try to cover your face so people don't know you are the princess
-Thanks you sooo much dad- I said and went to hug him
-I love you dad
-I love you too princess- I went to my room and grabbed my black cloak. I went downstairs and I saw that Aurora, Aladdin, Phillip, Ariel, Jasmine, Baelfire and Eric were waiting for me
-Ready guys?- I asked them.
-Ohh guys one thing- I said
-What is it? -Aladdin asked
-If you listen, people call me Emma Swan. That's because I don't like people knowing I'm the princess, so the people that know me they think that's my name- everyone nodded in understandement and we headed to the town. When we arrived, it was 9:00am so we could do whatever we want until 12 because then I was going to see Killian.
-So what should we do? - Eric asked
-I don't know, maybe steal something?- Aladdin joked
- No, we won't be stealing anything Aladdin- Jasmine said
- I was kidding, relax!
- Why don't we go shopping? - Aurora suggested
- That would be a great idea
-Ughhhh.. Really? shopping? - Phillip asked
- You know we don't like going shopping - Baelfire whined
- Why don't we go shopping and then do some fun guy stuff? - I suggested
-Like what? - Eric asked
- I don't know, go and play, maybe play some music
- I like the first option -Baelfire said
- Yeah, me too - Phillip said
- Then we already know what do! First shopping, then go for something to eat, and then we play - I said
- Yaaay! shopping - Jasmine said
- Let's go - Ariel said, pulling Eric with her. We went shopping all morning. I bought some new boots and a brown cloak because my other brown cloak had been stripped during the fight with Black Beard. It was going to be 12 soon and I needed to go to the clock tower. Lucky there was a little "restaurant" in front of the clock tower
-Guys I'm hungry!
- Yeah, me too!- Ariel said
-Where should we eat? They all asked
- I know a little restaurant near the clock tower, and the food there is delicious! why don't we go?- I suggested sneakily
- That sounds nice, let's go -Baelfire agreed. We walked to the restaurant, and when we arrived, we took a table near the entrance. We sat down and ordered our food and started to chat. the bells rang announcing it was noon. I needed an excuse to go to the tower, but I didn't know what to say.
-Emma? Earth to Emma? -Phillip said
-Uhhh... Whaat?
-We were asking you if you have any love interests?
-Uhhh... Guys I need to go and see something, if you could excuse me for a moment- and with that I stumbled out of the restaurant and ran to the Clock tower.
When I was arrived, I saw him. Killian. He had something in his hand, but I couldn't see what it was. I stood behind him and said
- Waiting for someone?" he immediately turned around and when he saw me his face lifted
- Swan! - He gave me a hug
- Hey Killian
- I brought you this - He said handing me a rose
-Thank you Killian, it's really beautiful.
- So what's so important that you needed to show me
- Its that - and my voice started to crack
-It's okay love, I'm here
- Black Beard sent this letter to my parents a few days ago, read it- I said with tears in my eyes as I handed him the letter. He had a worried expression , but when he started to read it he looked upset, and when he finished, he was really angry
- That bastard, why he would want to hurt a beautiful lady as you? I'm going to kill him - Oh my gosh, he said I was beautiful, was I falling in love? Noo! Well maybe, he was worried about me but then I remembered the letter from yesterday and I said:
-Yesterday I was with my parents, talking about what happened, and then this letter arrived- I said handing him the other letter with tears running down my cheeks and with a cracked voice. He read the letter and when he finished he said
- Emma, I promise you nothing will happen to you, I will protect you, I promise.
-I'm scared Killian, I'm scared what could happen to me. Why is this happening to me? What I did to this man for him wanting to do that?- I said crying, I couldn't stop. I was scared and I needed to let all of this out. Killian pulled me into a hug and said
- It's okay love, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you - I felt so safe in his arms, its like all my problems vanish. Wait, what was I thinking? Stop it Emma, its just a friendly hug
-Thank you- I said. after few minutes I broke the hug and started to clean my tears
-But if you're in danger, what are you doing in the town? Alone?
-Well I'm not safe in the castle either. and I'm not alone, I came with some friends that are in that restaurant but I needed to see you. Alone.
-Emma? Are you okay? - I heard a female voice ask me behind me. Crap I know that voice is Ariel
-Who is this? - I heard Baelfire say from behind me
- Are you crying? - Aurora asked me. Crap, what I should do?
- Hey, what are you doing outside here guys?
-We were worried about you, so we came to see what happened to you- Phillip said
-Are you okay Em? - Jasmine asked
- Yes I am, why do you ask?
- Because you seem like if you were crying - Eric said
-No I wasn't crying, something got in my eye and it was bothering me, that's why it seems as if I was crying
- Who is this?- Baelfire asked again, but with a tone that it seemed jealous
-He? Ohh he's a friend
- What's his name? - Aurora asked
-I'm ca...
- He's Charles
-Well nice to meet you Charles- Ariel said
- He gave you that rose?- Aladdin asked
- Yes, well no, well yes he did- then aurora gave me the look that says we need to talk later
-Em, we have to go for lunch- Baelfire said, angry and at the same time jealous, while he pulled me to his side
-Yes we have, well Charles I think I'll see you around
- Why don't you come with us for lunch Charles? - Aurora said
-No, he doesn't have to, maybe he has other plans?
- I would love to- he said giving me a devilish smile
-Well let's go then - Eric said.
We arrived at the restaurant, Killian sitting on one side and Baelfire on the other one
- So love, you haven't introduced me to your friends
- Well this is Aurora, my best friend, my other best friend Phillip, Jasmine, Aladdin, Eric, Ariel and Baelfire
- Nice to meet you all!
- So Emma, you haven't responded our question -Eric said
-What question?
-If you have any love interests? Aurora said, smiling
-Me? Uhh... - Crap, I can't tell them I'm in love with Killian because he is here, and I don't know yet if I'm really in love, and besides I don't know if he is in love with me
-No, not really. I don't have anyone
- Really lass? You don't have anyone? - Killian asked raising and eyebrow
- Yeah, I don't have anyone
- I bet you have someone in your life, but you don't want to admit it - Killian said smiling really wide
-Yeah? And why do you think that?
-Because you're an open book, love
-And what does that mean?
-That you have someone and you don't want to admit it, because you are scared he doesn't feel the same way about you. the other part is because your father doesn't let boys get near you, so you don't want him to find out. - I was speechless, how he knew so much about me with only passing one day together
- I told you love, an open book- he said, laughing
- Well maybe youre right, or maybe you are wrong. with who would that be?
-Well maybe that person is really near to you, maybe you have only known him a few days, but you are really in love - He said getting really close
-Let me guess, with you? Don't make me laugh- I said, making myself tougher. He is a pirate and has a reputation of leaving the girls he loved, so I needed to be sure if he would really stay
- Look, the food arrived- I said trying to change the topic. We all started eating and talking until they started to ask Killian things
-So Killian, what do you for living?
-Uhh well I'm a pi...
-Prince, he is a prince
-Really? From what kingdom?
-Yeah love, from what kingdom?
-Well, its more of an island. The kingdom is called... Storybrooke
-Storybrooke? I've never heard of it -Eric said
-Yeah, it's not a known kingdom. But he is the Prince
-And does your father knows he's here? Maybe because he is a Prince he needs to know - Ariel said
- No, not really, he is trying to keep it a secret because he doesn't want anyone to know he is here.
- why not? - Jasmine asked
- Because he wanted to pass some time without being a prince, to experience how things would be if he led a normal life
- Well, when I go in my trip all over this world I should visit Storybrooke - Eric said
-That would be nice, Lass
- And do you have a girlfriend or love interest? - Aurora asked
- I don't have any girlfriend, but yes, maybe I have a love interest - He said wiggling his eyebrows and getting near me
- Well good luck with her, shes not as easy as you think
-I like challenges
- Ok it's enough of all of this - Baelfire said, shouting
-Bae, calm down, it's nothing really
-Well he's flirting with you, in case you didn't notice
- I know, but it isn't working, with a flirty smile it won't help, we're just two ships passing in the night! So Please, calm down
- Alright, I don't understand the metaphor, but ok- we finished eating and then went to a part of the forest where we decided to do the activities
-So what we should play? -Baelfire asked
-I don't know, sword fighting? -Eric asked
-That would be great
- But I'm not good at sword fighting- Jasmine complained
-I'll help you -Aladdin said, giving her a big smile
-Thanks- Jasmine smiled, blushing
- Alright, so who wants to start? -Ariel asked
-I want to, so who will be my enemy?
-Me love, Killian smirked, winking
-Well, I hope you are ready to lose
- Well love, let's see if you're really a good sword fighter
- Please, my teacher is King Charming. - we started to fight, it was a rough fight but in one moment I fell to the ground and Killian was on top of me and said:
-When I jab you with my sword you'll feel it
-that's suggestive," I laughed, trying to push him off
-that's the point, love
-Well I wouldnt be so sure - I kicked him and he stumbled backwards. that was my opportunity. I got up and made him fall to the ground. I kicked his sword and put myself on top of him, I put my sword in his neck and said:
-Well, I think that I won
-You're a great fighter, love
-Thanks- I got up and then extended my hand for him to help him get up. time passed, I fought Eric twice, he won one and the other one I won. it was getting dark, and we decided to head to the castle
-see? I'm just good as you at sword fighting - I bragged to Eric
-Well, I let you win so you wouldn't feel bad
-Yeah, yeah sure whatever you say- we arrived to the castle and I forgot Killian was with us. we couldn't enter. My parents knew every pirate in the kingdom, so if they saw him they would know he was Captain Hook.
-Well, I think I should get going lass
-Killian, you don't want to enter and eat something? - Phillip suggested
-I would love to, but I have some things to do
-That's really too bad, well I hope we will see you soon RIGHT EMMA? - Aurora said smiling at me
- What? Eeehh.. Yeah sure
-Haha, alright goodnight Swan
- Goodnight Ki... Charles- And with that he left. We entered the castle and went to the hall, where all my family was having dinner
-Emma dear, how was your day in the town?
-It was awesome mom, we had lots of fun. Thanks dad, for letting me go
-Well its good to know you are okay and you enjoyed your time
- Yeah she really enjoyed it.... - Eric said with a suspicious laugh
-What does he mean? - my dad asked
- ok...
-So what did you do?- My mom asked
- well, we went shopping, then had
lunch at the restaurant infront of the clock tower, and then went to the forest to sword fight
- Ohh cool
- Yeah, and I defeated Eric!- I bragged
- Hey! I already told that I let you win!
- Well that wasn't what I saw when you were on the floor with my sword on your throat and a little knife pointed at your gut
- I was acting
- Sure, whatever you say- We talked about the fights and how Jasmine fell when tried to attack Aladdin. We laughed about the stories, and then the girls and I went to my room
--So Emma, would you like to tell us whats going on between you and Charles? - Ariel asked, smirking
- What are you talking about?
-Well,... we saw how he was flirting with you, and the chemistry between you and him- Aurora said
- Yeah, he was flirting with me, but that was all, I was only teasing him
- Seriously Emma? We've known you since we were little and all the guys you know - Jasmine started but I interrupted her
-That there are not a lot, just Eric Baelfire, Phillip Aladdin, Pinocchio and that guy at your party that was trying to flirt with me, but he was really creepy
- And also Charles, and we see a connection between you two - Jasmine said
- Well here's the thing girls, but its a secret, alright?
- I think that I have feelings for him but I don't know, alright? I need to be sure he likes me, and that I like him, I just met him couple of days ago, so it can't be true love like my parents, or you and Phillip, or you and Eric. And well you and Aladdin
-I'm not with Aladdin
-You will be. anyway, so I need to know him better before I say that I like him or I'm in love with him.
-Alright -Aurora said
- tell us Jasmine, what is going on between you and Aladdin?
-Well, he is really cute and he really cares for me. I love him and I think he is in love with me
- You two are a couple really, you act like a couple- I said
-Yeah, I believe that too -Ariel said
- You are a cute couple -Aurora said
- We are not together girls! Ok?
- I give them 2 weeks and they will be
- I give them till the end of this week -Aurora said
- I give them 1 week -Ariel said
- It's a bet girls?
-Yes, it's a bet- Aurora and Ariel responded
- What are you talking about girls? What bet?
-The bet is how many time will pass until you and Aladdin become a couple. I said 2 weeks, Aurora till the end of the week and Ariel 1 week
-Alright girls, you are crazy
- Yeah we know, I'm tired. why don't we go to sleep?
-Yeah, I'm tired too -Ariel said
-Alright, lets go to sleep -Aurora said
-Goodnight girls- Jasmine said
-Goodnight- all of us responded. I went to sleep thinking its too soon.


Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating, well I hope you liked this chapter please vote and comment. And everyone go and read Enough for me and Clarity from @Arianna-Isabel. This are great stories I love them. 

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