Tofuudigger : " Its Halloween Baby "

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( ok so this was given to me by cliffcocaine . Thank you soo much for the idea . Tofuudigger is between tofuu and poke .I hope you enjoy 😝)

* Tofuu's Pov *

Today is Halloween and me and poke were getting ready in his bedroom for a Halloween party tonight at the school . I was dressed up as Robin Hood while he was dressed up as a prince . We were joking around in his bathroom about everyone else's costumes .

Poke: I think Graser is going to wear his scream mask .

Me: that's so lame ! He should be something cool .

Poke: yeah , and bee is dressing up like a actual bee .

Me: nice ; so poke , who's prince are you ?

Poke: uhhhmmm ..... No ones ....

He blushed slightly , walking back into his room . Confused , I followed , eager to know .

Me: poke tell me .

Poke: no one , really !

Me: I swear I will tickle it out of you !

Poke: really , it's - hey stop ! Hahahah DUDE !!!

I lunged at poke , tickling him . We wrestled on the floor , our makeup and hair getting messy . I flipped us over so I was sitting on top of poke , both of my legs on either side of his waist . Our faces were inches apart , both of us staring into each others eyes . Suddenly , we lean in and our lips meet . It's like fireworks on the Fourth of July as pokes soft lips work my own rough ones . Man , I wish I put on Chapstick . Anyways , I slid my tongue across pokes bottom lip , him letting me in almost immediately. I explored every inch , claiming him as mine . We broke apart , completely out of breath and we both blushed , happiness shining in our faces .

Me: so we are a thing ?

Poke: frick , I guess so.

Me: then you are my prince poke .

The rest of the night we cuddled in his bed , skipping the Halloween party and trick or treating . The only sweet thing I wanted was poke , and I got that .

( I don't know much about poke or tofuu so sorry if it's bad , and sorry for the wait .)

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