A Promise Fulfilled

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"I did it kiritsugu," Shirou said to himself as he fell to the ground exhausted.

"Impossible how could that mongrel survive EA's power he should be no more... it doesn't matter I'll end him right now in one strike, now begone fak- what!" Angelica shouted in anger and disbelief since the faker had just vanished right in front of her.

(sometime later)

"Now then before I send you off, and most likely never see you again tell me your story," Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg (K.Z.S) asked in slight confusion...

(a few minutes later)

"So you're saying your father kistugia who knew he had only a few years left abandoned his goal to find the family that would doom the world to train you in everything he knew to make you strong enough to stop them," K.Z.S said making sure he's following along.

"Yes," Shirou answered.

"Then after he passed you fell in love with a woman who was from the Sakatsuki family got married and had a child," K.Z.S said calmly

"This is true," Shirou said happily

"Then she'd passed away 9 years later you started to notice you no longer age and then the family who was prophesied to destroy the world showed up in your town kidnapped your daughter in an effort to 'save' the world," K.Z.S said as a big gin appeared on his face

"Unfortunately yes then I spent one week destroying everything they were their reputation, wealth, servants and family and by the time I tracked down where they were holding my daughter they were extremely weakened" Shirou explained as his face showed no emotion.

"Well then Shirou I have an offer for you while I can't send you back to your old world I can send you to a new one" K.Z.S in a kind manner

"What's the catch," Shirou asked

"Well theirs a 'low' chance theirs going to be a world-ending conflict that could spread across the entirety of existence but before you say no I can give you 3 things number 1 your daughter can go with you, number 2 I will give you my own little take on their peerage system with benefits, and 3 before I send you off you'll be granted access to a few worlds where you can find followers to help you with your upcoming 'war' and once you find them you gain access to a portal to go to and from worlds" K.Z.S explained happily listing off all the benefits that come with accepting his offer.

"Ok that sounds promising but the benefits of that system could you go a little more in-depth about it," Shirou asked in caution.

"Ok well, 1 we do we start I know when they join them to stay the same race they were, 2 they basically become true heroic spirits minus the whole being stuck in a grail with the bonus ability to be able to develop their own noble phantom, though on a side note if they were already apart of the grail or counterforce their noble phantom will all ready be developed, and 3 pseudo immortality so age or sickness can't kill them since Ya know humanity though don't get that confused with true immortality you can still die in battle" K.Z.S listed off all the benefits he could remember

"Dam Those Are Good Benefits Well Then I Accept Your Offer," Shirou said as he shook K.Z.S hand

"Well Then Let's Begin," K.Z.S said as he opened up the portal


Hi, I'm back again though I wanted to ask do you like what I'm trying to do... I had a few ways of doing this story and I wanted to put a few options up to a vote


-A) changed mind I could not write this at all

B) It Took Year's To Find EveryOne and by the time it took to  get there Shirou  group  is experienced and more like a family [I can write this better]

Drop-in point

A) at the very start of the show but it won't be much the other factions will only find traces of what Shirou's group allows and jumps in when riser first appears (factions find out about him normal, birth parents slowly learn about him being alive)

B) We jump in at the rematch issei is about to lose and Shirou one v ones him while his group appears in the back round after he wins they completely humiliate him than just disappear (Birthparents find out about him almost instantly, factions find out immediately and rush to recruit)

Next time

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