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Jack walked back to his tent to forget the day's events. Before he got to the flap, he stopped in his tracks. The once black and white stripes were now black and red. NOW what? He rubbed his eyes, then looked down at his hands. The blood from his victims that had for the longest time taken on a greyish tinge was now also the color of cherries. He chuckled to himself, which turned into peals of laughter. Oh, this was brilliant! He had at last reached the peak of insanity! His hall of illusions had turned the tables on him. Or that witch of a woman had cast a spell on him, if that were possible (was it?) He felt a momentary wave of fear pass through him. Events had turned topsy turvy since she had shown up.

If any of his zombie children had been hanging around, they were long gone by now. Although he cared for them as his own, his temper tantrums were something they were always watching for so they could get as far away as possible. Why why WHY was this happening? If that damned woman had anything to do with it, he would give her more than just a scare next time he saw her...though she WAS tasty. He had thought of making her like the Wendy to his lost children, only he was no Peter Pan. Oh no, being grown up was way more fun. He remembered their night together and wanted to keep her as his personal assistant....a personal assistant to his clown cock that is. Killing her was out of the question. But there was the deeper issue of her abilities. Those he found way more useful. The rest was just slap and tickle. He debated whether to just kidnap her or sweeten the deal. He smirked at the pun. Besides, he needed her to figure out why this madness was happening. He also needed to ascertain if she was a threat. Evil was often hidden behind a mask of innocence. If she was a witch, she was a damned good one. He could always use more power. Who needed love when you had that? He started hatching a plan on trapping her in his world forever.


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