Carnival of Darkness: Duality

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The two Jacks stood across from each other, staring each other down. The dancers all faded away until only the children and an incoherant Adara were left. LJ glared at RJ.

"You think you're so clever! You took everything but my intelligence. I saw what you did. Give the ring back." He started for RJ, but he stepped back.

     "Make me."

With a snarl, LJ dove for him but RJ was too quick. With a giggle, he sped away with the other hot on his heels. By this time, Adara had woken up and a sudden rage overtook her. She stood between the two, glaring at LJ.

"You dirty bastard! You've been lying to me this whole time!" With a strength neither she nor LJ knew she possessed, she slapped him, hard. Hard enough for him to stumble back and fall on his ass. This gave RJ a chance to slip away. "We're over!" She started to walk away, but LJ ran after her, snarling. She saw him advancing and ran as fast as she could.

     "You won't get away from me, you ignorant little bitch!"

Adara managed a backwards glance and yelled at the top of her lungs "FUCK YOU!!!" This made LJ laugh maniacally. It was not the effect she had intended. She ran until her breath gave out. The timing was good, because straight ahead was a Candyland themed waterslide park. So the cad had been inspired by their first date. Not exactly a redeeming quality, but it was flattering. She didn't see him behind her anymore so she decided to hide inside one of the tubes. That didn't last long. The water was streaming too fast through it and it made her slip, especially since she was wearing vinyl and lace. Screaming, she slid and landed at the bottom, being caught by none other than LJ who was laughing his ass off. To make it worse, there were leeches swimming around. The illusion faded to a worn out lichen encrusted tube and a braken pool. With one smooth motion, LJ lept from the pool and landed on a dark grassy bank.

"It seems we've had to enact Plan B, my sweet."

Adara struggled and tried to hit him, but he held her fast. "In a hurry for some love, are we? We have the whole night ahead for that."

She shoved his chest with two hands and snarled. "The only way you're getting sucked off tonight is by those leeches."

Jack chuckled which only enraged her further. He was infuriatingly amused, and she could also see, aroused. "That's what I love about you, you're such good sport. That will be an admirable trait in our future children. But for now, I need to put you in a time out, because you're acting like a naughty child yourself." Before Adara could answer, they disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Adara found herself in a mazelike room with all kinds of gadgets. LJ set her down and looked her up and down while holding both her arms. "You are free to leave me if you wish. But first, you have to find your way out of here."

"I'm not playing your games!" she protested. "You're setting me up to lose because you know I will."

LJ spread his arms in a mocking gesture. "That's what I'm here for."

"You're an evil shit and I wish I'd never met you!"

LJ's answer was a kiss to his fingers then pressing them to her lips which she turned away in disgust. Her resistance and hatred just fueled his passions more. He slapped her ass and she booted him in the balls. He shrieked and held himself, cursing her before vanishing in another puff of smoke.

                                                       *                                     *                                          *

While LJ nursed his wounds and his wounded pride, Candy Pop, the Blue Fairy, slipped unnoticed into the escape room. Adara gasped when she saw him, and ran to him in a relieved and teary  hug.

"You came back! Help me." she ended in a whisper. Candy held her and stroked her hair, then held her away to talk.

     "He doesn't play by the rules does he?" he half joked. "Usually, I'd admire that trait." He took Adara's hand and led her into a hidden nook. "I'm taking you somewhere safe. He won't find you there. I'm going to pretend to be you, and get you out of here. By that time, the two Jacks will be too busy battling it out to worry about you."

"Where are we going?"

     "Over the rainbow." Candy winked, and the room disappeared. Adara suddenly found herself in Rainbow Jack's mirror ball room, but RJ wasn't there. "Stay here." He wrapped her in an embrace and they kissed. He then walked through the wall and was gone. She walked over to a wall with a picture on it. There was RJ and a cute little blonde boy sitting across from each other in a dusty room. The picture was old and faded. Adara curled up on the small bed and fell asleep.

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Play Date **JUST UPDATED**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora