Texting The New Boy

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Adym's POV

"Hey it's Madison"


A-Hi beautiful, what's up?
M- nothing much really. I'm just at Starbucks studying. I was wondering if you wanted to maybe study with me.

"She's confident, I like her," I said to myself.

A- sure. lol I don't really study tho😂
M- that's okay. Maybe we could talk? Oh but if you need help in chemistry, I know just how to help you😉😏

A- maybe I'll take that help in chemistry😏
A-I'm on my way to Starbucks. It's the one by the school, right?
M- yes, please hurry tho.... my ex just showed up.

Madison's POV

I'm so scared. My ex is here. He told me the next time he saw me, he would do unspeakable things.

I don't doubt him. The thing is he's rich, so he can get away with it.

My hood was up and I was looking down at my phone, but he still noticed me.

As soon as I heard that voice, fear ran through my spine.

"Alone again, aren't you?" He said with an evil smirk on his face.

"No, Dillion, I'm waiting on someone," I said not making eye contact.

He got closer to me and his friends covered him. He took my phone and put it in his pocket.

"You really think you can replace me?" He said while grabbing my face.

His hands were strong, so I'll probably have a bruise on my face.

"Yes, I do. I deserve more than scum like you," I reply.

His hands go up my legs and to my shorts.

He starts to unbutton them as I cry knowing there's nothing I can do.

"You'll never replace me. You understand me, bitch?" my face was in his tight grip again.

"Leave her alone!"
I knew that voice and I knew all hell was about to break lose.

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