Adym Saves Me (part 1)

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Adym's POV

I arrived at Starbucks and saw people gathered around a girl through the window.

Then I realized, "OH MY GOD THATS MADISON!"

The way he was touching and looking at her, I could tell he's done this before.

I saw her face and she looks absolutely terrified. I parked my car and ran through the doors.

"Leave her alone!" I yell.

The main guy looks at me, "Who the fuck are you and why do you care about what happens to this bitch?"

"I'm her boyfriend," I say confidently, "And I said get your hands off of my girl."

All of the sudden everything went black.

I wake up and I can't move. I'm tied to a chair.

I also had something in my mouth because I couldn't make a noise.

I think I'm in a basement.

I hear crying and moaning in the background.

That must be Madison. I start making noise.


The moaning stops and a light switch comes on.

"Ahhh. Poor little Adym is trying to help his girl. But he can't he's stuck here, in this chair. Oh? What's that? He's trying to say something. Let's see what you have to say."

"As soon as I'm out of here, I swear to God I'll fucking kill you, asshole," I was angry as hell. "You don't deserve to be on the same earth as her, dipshit."

"And also-" He quickly covered my mouth with the cloth again.

He held my neck and looked into my eye, "Now you will watch me rape her. Feel her pain. Then I'll make you rape her. If you don't, I'll make sure she doesn't have kids." He whispered the last sentence in my ear.

I nod my head as tears roll down my cheek. This shouldn't happen to anyone...

The things I watched? Were unspeakable. This fucking dick is scum.

Madison sobbed and every time she moved or said no, he hit her hard.

"Your turn," his nasty ass voice said.

Another guy appears out of nowhere and walked me to the bed were Madison was.

He handcuffed me to the bed.

"Wait. If you want me to give her a good time, imma need both of my hands," the guy looked at me, then looked at his boss.

"Uncuff him, but the first time he tries anything, hurt him."

"One more thing before I start. What's your name, asshole?"

"Dillion. Now get started or I'll act on the promise. Make her scream your name."


I looked at Madison who was shaking and terrified.

I whisper in her ear, "Follow along, I have a plan. I won't hurt you, I promise"

Madison's POV

Adym was now over me and I felt safe. I knew Adym would be gentle.

"Call me Daddy," Adym says out loud in a rough voice.

"Guard! Leave. I would like to watch this by myself," Dillion yelled.

"I'm sorry for this, Madi," Adym whispered in my ear.

He gently put two fingers in me and started back and forth.

To make sure Dillion didn't hurt us, I screamed "Daddy" really loud as if Adym crammed his fingers in hard.

Adym barely did anything, but we acted like we did.

"Adym, I'm going to release."

"Don't release," Adym's voice was sharp and somewhat rough.

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Then all of the sudden Dillion yells at Adym. "She better not release for you, dumb bitch. She's mine!"

I was tied up but I had told Adym where Dillion kept his gun. Adym was in his underwear, like I said we just acted.

"Get up, asshole," Adym was angry and full of rage.

"I said get up! Are you deaf? Did you not hear me, stupid ass?" He said as he was pointing the gun at him.

"I heard you, but I'm not doing it," Dillion says with a smile on his face, "you won't shoot me, you don't have it in you."

Adym cocks the gun.

"Adym," I say softly, "he's not worth it, let's just go."

"But all the stuff he did to you," Adym says.

"We'll tell the police. Grab your pants and shirt and shoes and let's go."

Adym shot Dillion in the leg and came over to untie me.

He threw the gun behind the bed, grabbed his clothes and picked me up bridal style.

"Put this shirt on," Adym said realizing my clothes were all tore up.

Adym runs out and back to Starbucks, puts me in his car and goes.

"You're staying with me. I won't let anything happen to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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