7. I Have A Confession

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Dianne's POV

It had been a few weeks since the whole sister incident, and I was recovering slowly. Joe was so protective, it was adorable.

I had been keeping a pretty big secret from Joe, and I was telling him today. I just hoped he wouldn't be mad.
To be honest, I'm surprised Connie didn't say anything to Joe about it. But I need to tell him. I've got a two year old daughter called Isobel Rae Buswell. She currently lives with Mum and Dad, but she is moving out to come and live with me soon. Mum and Dad were looking after her for me, because of my career. 

I moved to London for Strictly Come Dancing, which I couldn't miss but that meant leaving Isobel. That was the hardest decision of my life to leave her, but, I'll finally be reunited with her.

I'm still not talking to Connie, I know she didn't mean to do what she did, but she still did it and she hurt me. Mentally and physically.

Anyway, Joe was taking me out on a date. We had already gone public due to the stupid press airing Connie and Joe's breakup, they twisted it saying that Joe had cheated, which was a lie. So we had to come clean and tell the fans.

I got out of bed as I grab my phone. I check the time. 6PM Australia time. Gives me an hour to Facetime Isobel before she goes to bed.

Setting my phone up, I message Mum telling her I'm awake and ready to say goodnight.

The Facetime ringing noise comes through, as I answer, seeing my gorgeous girl sat on the other end of the screen.
"Mama." She squeals, I smile as I let a tear fall.
"Hi my gorgeous princess," I grin. "have you been a good girl for Nanna?" I ask.
"I have. Had I sqeam and 'getti." She replies.
"Not in that order I hope." I laugh.
"No, silly Mama." She giggles.
"Has she been okay, Mum?" I ask.
"She's been fine, had a little cry before asking when you are coming home, but I told her she is coming to live with you in London." Mum says.
This made me tear up.
"Mama is it cold in 'Ondon?" Issy asks.
"A little bit bub, but you'll love it." I say.
"When I go?" She asks.
"Nanna and Pa are dropping you off next week, then you can come and live with Mama forever and ever." I say, as I smile.
"Mama,' ill I meet Doe?" I had no idea how she knew about Joe.
"She overhead us talking the other day about you and Joe, after Connie, yeah. And she asked me who Joe was. All I said was Mummy's friend." My Mum replied. I nodded.
"I'm not sure bubba, hopefully you will." I admit to my daughter. Hoping Joe will take the news well.

I knew Connie mentioned Billy and Mia to Joe, but I always wondered why she never mentioned Isobel.


We talk some more, before I tell Issy I have to go. "Right missy. Mummy has to go now, she has work. And it's late now, so you need to be in bed. But I'll see you next week okay? Be good for Nanna and Pa. I love you Isobel Rae. Good night my sweet princess." I say.
"Night Mummy, I be good for Nanna an' Pa. I see you at 'port 'ext week. Lub you 'oo." She waves and blows kisses before I say bye to Mum and let them go.

As soon as the line goes dead, I break down in floods of tears. Arms wrapping themselves around me, I look up to see Joe." Dianne. Why are you crying?" He asks worry laced in his voice.

I compose myself before I speak. "Joe you may want to sit down for this." I say.
"Di, is everything OK?" He asks.
"Joe I need to tell you something. Something big. And I really hope you don't hate me." I say.
"Dianne, I could never hate you. What is it, baby?" He rubs my shoulder, reassuring me everything is alright.
"Joe, I've got a d-daughter." I stutter.
"Really? How old is she? And what's her name?" He asks.
"You're not mad?" I ask.
"Why would I be mad? I have nothing to be mad about. Yes you kept it from me, but it's your life Di, its up to you whether you wanted to tell me. And to be honest, I'm flattered you trust me enough." He smiles.
"Of course I trust you, that's why I told you. That, and she's moving to London next week," I smile. "And to answer your questions. She is two years old and she's called Isobel. Isobel Rae." I smile.

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