39. A Big Family Holiday

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Credit to @joanne_fan for the idea for part of this chapter. Thanks for the help!

Joe's POV

It was three weeks later, and our five year anniversary.

I let Dianne sleep a little longer, as I went to get George who was starting to stir. 

I pick George up, rocking him back and forth. He was hungry, so taking him downstairs, I give him a bottle (he wouldn't take to Dianne's boobie milk.), and feed him.

About twenty minutes later, Dianne comes downstairs, and wraps her arms around my waist. I smile. ''Good morning m' love.'' 

''Good morning. Happy Anniversary.'' She grins.

''Happy Anniversary.'' I grin back.

''Where's G J?'' She asks.

''He's gone back to sleep,'' I say. ''Come 'ere.'' I pull her onto my lap. She sits on me, as I kiss her lips.

''I've got you a present.'' I say, she shuffles off of me, as I go to get her present. 

I come back in a few seconds later and place the envelope into her hands. ''What's this?'' She asks.

''Open it.'' I grin.

She opens it to see,

''Plane tickets?'' She looks at me.

''Yep. We're going to Italy. me, you, George. Zoe, Alfie, and both sets of parents,'' I say. ''One big family holiday.'' 

''Joe, you are amazing. Thank you. When do we go?'' She asks.

''Next week.'' I say.

''I can't wait. I'm so excited,'' Dot grins. ''I love you.'' 

''I love you, too.'' I smile.


''Dottie, are you ready?'' I call, putting my jacket on, making sure George was securely in his car seat. Zoe and Alfie were babysitting him for the night whilst we went out for our meal.

''Just coming, bub.'' She calls back, heading downstairs.

''You look gorgeous, are you ready?'' She smiles, as I take her hand and we head out.

''You look gorgeous, are you ready?'' She smiles, as I take her hand and we head out

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We pulled up outside the restaurant. ''Reservation for Sugg?'' I say to the lady behind the counter.

''Of course, this way.'' We nod following her suit.

''Oh wow! Joe look.'' Dianne says, as we sit down.

'' Dianne says, as we sit down

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