Chapter 5

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A/N sorry I had a hella busy weekend!! I'm sorry!! -Shelby ❤️

*~* JJ *~*

After Sammy joined us, we head to BK and then head to the studio and start working on the album.
"Should we put Distance, Flights, Paradise, Doing It Right, Wildlife, Cold Hearted and Tides on the album? Or should we make those a 'pre' album?" Gil asks putting air quotes around pre.
"Yeah. We could put them on a separate album..." I reply back, unsure.
"Okay." Gil smiles at me. Argh that amazing smile of his that I love so much.
What the fuck am I even saying?? What has gotten into me? I mean I know I like Jack but before... Before I could control my weird thoughts about him but now... Not so much.
"Yo, JJ you okay?" Sammy asks, snapping me back to reality.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I reply. "Just thinking."
"About what?" Gil asks.
"The album." I lie.
"Oh. Okay. Gotcha."
Ugh it hurts me to lie to his perfect face. I hate lying to him. 😫😩
God what has gotten into me?
Gil, Sammy and I discuss the album some more and then finally we start recording some stuff. ☺️
During the part of recording when Sammy was recording, I scrolled through Twitter and found the newest hate from people.

Jenne @jennnnnnnnnnnnne3
@jackjackjohnson ew you're so fugly. I don't know why you're even a part of Magcon! You're not even funny. You're not even talented!

Paradise @preciousparadise7
@jackjackjohnson ew I hate you so much. You're such a horrible rapper.

(A/N it hurts me to write that because I'm currently listening to JJ rap and it's just like ugh ILYSM idk why would someone would ever hate on you lol ya feel me? -Sheby)

Talia @tuhleeuh123456
@jackjackjohnson please go die. Like seriously. I hate you so much. You're the worst rapper ever and you DO NOT deserve to be a part of Magcon. At all.

Hallie @hallieballie69
@jackjackjohnson ew fugly gaydar alert 😂 you're so gay. I know you totally like the guys and the rest of them are probably super gay too!

I stop reading the hate and focus on the studio.
"JJ you okay?" Gil asks.
"What...? Yeah."
"You sure?"
No. No, I'm not okay. I'm 100% not okay. I am getting so much hate it's not even funny.
"Yup." I smile.
"Okay. I'm really worried about you man."
"Thanks. But I'm fine."
"Okay." He replies and drops the subject.
Ugh why can't I just open up to him and tell him what's going on?????
Things would be so much easier if I could just tell him what's going on but I can't. At all.
He just won't understand he has it perfect. He doesn't get hate, I mean c'mon seriously everyone hates me! I mean not my friends here in Magcon... At least I don't think they do.... 😰😨😪😢
Who honestly knows though? My friends could be lying to me.
"JJ! Are you sure you're okay?????" Sammy asks snapping me back to reality again. Jesus I need to stop spacing.
"Yes. Sorry I've got a lot on my mind right now with the new album is all... Promise I'm fine." I fake yet another smile.
Lie lie lie. Fake smile fake smile fake smile. God this is literally my life right now.
What has my life come to?!

A/N my life be a crazy mess of being busy. Holy shit. Haha. I did so much this weekend and was so exhausted but I'm running on a Black Mamba Venom energy drink right now... Soooo I'm good to go for a few hours. 😝 I honestly think I'll be up till after midnight attempting to update. And ok so that last a/n of mine I wrote at like 1:10am on Saturday morning. While at camp. Haha. Not even lying lmfao. But yeah the reason I didn't post at all this weekend is bc of camp. And dates with people. 😂 I hungout with my best friend Daniela last night and then my ex bf & super close guy friend Jax today. I thought Jax was gonna kiss me and I was freaking out because idek I might have a bf....? Idk I mean the guy I like- Xander- likes me too and I'm waiting for him to ask me out I guess. Lol. Then yeah. Jax has a gf of like 4 or so months... Sooooooooo I don't wanna be on some girls shit list. Plus... I really like Xander. Xander makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. 😍❤️ Lol but yeah. Uhhhh I'll wrap it up now. I love you all so much have a fantastic night/ day/ whatever it is where you live! Haha. Night!
But first:

QOTD: should I write a Mammy (Mahogany + Sammy 😍) fic?

Kk bye now.

-Shelby Lynn Gilinsky Ruppniff Johnson Wilk ❤️

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