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A/N the Jallory feels are real af lol. I love Jallory. ❤️ I wish they were still dating. -SLJW🙈💕

Chapter dedicated to cali_and_fangirl15 (you'll see why babe 💕😘😂)

*~* MALLORY *~*

Jack hasn't talked to me in a week and it's honestly worrying me. He used to text me or call me or Skype/ FaceTime me 24/7 but recently he sticks to texting, which I KNOW for a fact he hates.
But I'm sure he's just busy. Right?
"Hey babe, what's wrong?" Cassie, my roommate, asks looking worriedly up at me from her phone. The smile that was previously on her face from texting the Bae, vanishes from her face and is replaced with worry.
"I'm just worried about Jack." I reply sadly.
"I'm sure he's okay."
"He hasn't texted me in a week, we used to talk all the time, whether it was through calls or FaceTime... But he's stopped doing that recently and I'm really worried about him. He's one of my closest friends, hell we're more than friends.... I just am really worried that there's something he's not telling me.... Ya know what I mean?"
"Yeah. And it's okay. I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just busy." Cassie says comfortingly.
"I hope you're right....."
"I promise I am. But hey, I know something that will make you laugh and smile."
"Go for it." I laugh.
"This will be our little inside joke, but okay what's 1 plus 1 equal?"
"2." I reply with a laugh.
"Nope. 1 plus 1 equals shut the fuck up." She laughs. "Sorry, I used it on the idiots from my middle and high school."
"Clever...." I reply with a laugh. Just then my phone goes off on top of my laptop on my desk. I climb off my bed and walk over to it.

Leigh ❤️💕
Hi babe. ☺️

Jack J 🙈💕

I smile and unlock my phone, typing a reply back to the blue eyed cutie I was just thinking about. 😍 Leigh can wait, I text her and see her everyday. 😂 I mean, she lives next door to me! 😂

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Hey babe. What's up?

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
Not much just thinking. You?

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Thinking, about what?

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
You. 🙈

Awwwww Jacky is the cutest. 😍
TO: Jack J 🙈💕

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
☺️ so how have you been?

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Good hby babe?

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
That's good babe. ☺️ I miss you. I feel like we haven't talked in weeks.....

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
It's only been like a week haha

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Still 🙈

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
Mal Pal misses me. 😏😉😋

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
☺️😋😘 you know it.

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
I miss you too babe. 😘

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Where were you for the last week? I missed getting your texts. ☺️

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
Oh, I was busy.

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Oh. Makes sense.

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
Yayyyyy Jack is back. ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
😏😂 Where was he?

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
Oh he was out with Sammy and Sammy's gf Liana.

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Speaking of gf's, how are G and Danny?

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
*Dani & good I think..... Idk he hasn't said much. I know they're still dating tho. 😔

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Why the sad face? 😏

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
Idk. I'm over here single as shit and Jack is over there all happy and in a relationship and shit and it's like 'can you not?'

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
I could come visit you and change your mind? 😬😏😉

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
When????????????? 😬

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Wellll tomorrow is Sunday I have one class on Monday.... I could probably skip it though...... Want me to come visit tomorrow? 🙈😬

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
Hell yes that would be awesome! ☺️

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
How long could I stay? Well.... How long would you want me to stay?

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
How long do you wanna stay?

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
I could stay till Wednesday at the latest then I would have to fly back for my classes on Thursday.

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
Okay. ☺️ Sunday through Wednesday works! Just text me when you get here tomorrow and I'll pick you up!

TO: Jack J 🙈💕
Okay babe! Will do. I love you. Forever and always. ❤️

FROM: Jack J 🙈💕
I love you too. Forever and always. ❤️

Sunday through Wednesday.... 3 days. That should be enough time to try and make him mine. ☺️

A/N my phone storage is so full that Let It Goat informed me I can't play it until I clear up some storage. •_• well isn't that just great? Guess who's gonna sit in classes and delete pics of Shawn, Aaron, Jacob, mahogany, Carter and my other least favorite I no longer keep up with you (sorry) Magcon people 😂 like not even playing I have like 4500 pics of old Magcon on my phone and the last two months have just been Omaha Lane and Kenny 😍..... And Nash and Cameron occasionally oh and Brent. 😍 those 8 are the only ones I still keep up with tbh lol so ya. Who's deleting pictures at lunch? This girl lol.

-Shelby Lynn Jolinsky Wilkaloley 🙈💕

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