Chapter 1

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The buzzing of an alarm played throughout Kayla's mind as her consciousness played vivid images of an ongoing basketball game that she had spawned into. Realizing that the buzzing want coming from the sound of the basketball game, Kayla's conscious gave control back to the reality side of her brain causing the restless teen to groan in annoyance.

"Ugh. Please shut up." Kayla threw her left arm onto her nightstand and on top of her alarm to shut if off. Satisfied, she slightly smiled to herself before turning her head towards the wall that the right side of her bed sat against and attempted to fall back into a dreamland.

"Ma!." A muffled yell came from behind Kayla's bedroom door. "Ma!"

"Boy! If you don't stop yelling in my house!" Kayla's mother Shawn, yelled as she made her way upstairs to the shouting boy. "Kayla, wake your ass up!" Shawn banged on Kayla's door before making her way towards her baby brother Ahmad's room.

In annoyance Kayla kicked her covers off of her and rolled out of bed. For a few seconds she laid on the floor still not wanting to get up, but soon remembered that today was her first day at her new school. Groaning, she deciding to finally get up and start her new adventure.

She made her way out of her room, into the bathroom and on to the toilet. After doing her business she washed her hands then pulled out her toothbrush from the blue ceramic cup that sat on the bathroom counter. After brushing her pearly whites she grabbed her purple washrag and soap then washed her face. Once she finished she dried her face and stared at herself in the mirror analyzing her caramel skin and chocolate brown eyes as she smiled to herself.

"Damn ma, you look good." She laughed to herself before exiting the bathroom and returning to her room to change. "Hmm, what to wear, what to wear." Kayla scanned her closet full of clothes before her eyes landed on a pair of bleached overalls. "Bingo." Her eyes lit up as her vision was filled with her new outfit idea. Quickly, she grabbed the overalls and a tie die tube top and threw them onto her bed. Not wasting anymore time, she stripped from her pajamas and threw on her outfit. "Baddest bum in the streets." Kayla smirked to herself as she analyzed her outfit choice in the full body mirror in the corner of her room.

"Hey turd. Mama said hurry up." Jocelyn, Kayla's younger sister, popped her head into Kayla's room. "You look like you going to the country later." She snickered.

"Ha ha. Get out my room, I'm coming." Kayla grimed Jocelyn.

"Well hurry up." Jocelyn stuck her tongue out at her older sister earning a middle finger in return. "Mama!" Jocelyn yelled closing Kayla's door.

Kayla rolled her eyes and walked over to her vanity to do her hair. Not paying much attention Kayla braided two French braids into her short curly hair and grabbed an orange bucket hat from on top of her dresser before placing it on her head. She grabbed her half filled backpack and headed out of her room and downstairs into the kitchen.

"Mornin Mommy." Kayla kissed her mothers cheek and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter.

"Don't Mommy me." Shawn shook her head and turned to her daughters direction. "I already called the school, so all you have to do is get there On Time and check in at the office."

"Don't worry Mama. I promise to be on time." Kayla hid her amusement in her mothers seriousness and grabbed her car keys from the key rack near the back door. "Look, I'm leaving right now, bye Ma."

"Mhm. Bye." Shawn closed the door and shook her head knowing her daughter would do everything, but be on time.

Kayla hopped into her white Ford Fusion and made her way to school. "Turn right at the next light on-" the gps informed Kayla. Instead of turning right Kayla's attention was caught on a shop ahead. She pulled into its parking lot and parked her car reading the store sign, Sanders. Kaylas eyes lead her out of the car and into the store. 50% off said the sign in the window. Kayla walked through the almost empty clothing store and observed the unique clothing around her.

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