Chapter 2

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Kayla walked down the school hall and out a set of doors in the back. "Kayla! Over here!" Nicole waved her new friend over to where she stood with Roman. Kayla smiled and waved back making her way over to them.

"Hey Nicole, what's up?" Kayla questioned as Nicole stood smiling at her.

"May I ask you a favor?"

"Um depends on the favor." Kayla looked at Nicole with questioning eyes as Roman made his way into the passengers seat of the black Range Rover they stood in front of.

"Wait, you have a car right?"

"Yeah." Kayla held up her car keys and glanced at the grey car that sat parked not to far away.

"Great. Would it be okay if you take Roman home tomorrow, I have to stay after school." Kayla glanced up at Roman who was scrolling through his phone. "Can't he just wait until you're done?"

"No he has shit to do apparently." Nicole rolled her eyes as she thought back to their conversation the other day. "Could you please." Nicole pouted.

Kayla looked at Roman again with a weary expression then slightly nodded her head. "I guess so." She sighed causing Nicole to smile really hard. "How can I say no to that smile." Kayla frowned teasing Nicole.

"My smile is irresistible." Nicole bopped Kayla with her pointy finger. "Thanks Kay. I'll see you tomorrow." Nicole headed into her car and Kayla headed to hers.

"Time to go buy a rifle." Kayla mumbled as she started her car.

The whole night Kayla was resenting sleeping in fear of it being the next day. "Ebony I'm so nervous. Every time I think about it I cry."

"Girl, stop being dramatic." Ebony rolled her eyes as she face timed Kayla for the seventh time that night. "Look just think of it this way. You get to drive a fine papi home."

Kayla's face burned at the thought of Romans facial features. "I mean I guess." She mumbled resulting in an mhm from Ebony. "Look Kay, you said yes now you just have to live with it. Just go to bed and we'll get you ice cream tomorrow if you really feel bad."

"Thanks Eb." Kayla sadly smiled into her camera. "Goodnight."

"Night mamas." Ebony ended the FaceTime call leaving Kayla alone with her thoughts. Sighing Kayla placed her phone on her nightstand and shoving her face into her pillow. "Night mamas." Kayla whispered to herself before zoning off into a dreamland.

"ITS FRIDAY FRIDAY!" Jocelyn yelled jumping on Kayla's bed.

"If you don't get off of my bed." Kayla growled startling Jocelyn who hurriedly jumped off of the bed and ran out of the room. "I'm never having kids." Kayla grumbled pulling her covers over her head.

After a few minutes of not being able to go back to sleep Kayla finally got out of the bed and slowly made her way into the bathroom to start her morning routine. Back in her room she threw on a black t-shirt and light blue skinny jeans before combing out her curls and finger coming them with hair moisturizer. When she was done she stuffed her unfinished homework into her backpack and made her way down the stairs.

"Morning sunshine. I made breakfast." Kayla's father Kevin sat at the table reading a newspaper.

"I'll take it with me." Kayla mumbled grabbing a sandwich bag and placing a pancake and a few slices of bacon in it.

"I'm not even going to ask." Kevin shook his head and continued to read his paper not paying his eldest daughter any attention.

"Dad. If I don't come back home alive today..." Kayla stopped as she attempted to stuff another pancake into the baggie. "Burn my clothes, so that Jocelyn can't steal them."

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