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3 & 4: Real Flowers..


THEIR first fight—the one I witnessed—occurred one Friday when Luqman arrived home from jumma'ah prayers. I announced I was sick prior to that day and needed bed-rest. This served as a hint that I will not be providing any help in the house. Maimuna and Ladi the young maid were to do to do everything on their own.

Not only did he arrive, but came with three of his pals; one of which I was new to. The one that my instincts told me differed from the rest.

His name was Zuhair and he identified as both Luqman's friend and cousin. He had recently came to Nigeria for a short stay. He lived in Malaysia—that I came to know on the same day.

Usually, when Luqman lands home, he would climb up  stairs to announce his presence to his woman—despite she may have been aware of his arrival. The gate was an alarm and the loud door-bang and the salaams that he echoed as he approached the main bedroom was enough to serve as an alarm. However, the young man would happily climb up to inform her respectfully.

The young madam was a beauty. One of her traits which may have swept him off his feet was her dimpled right cheek—that which announces its existence anytime she smiles. Anytime she grins. The bulgy, almond shaped eyes and the dark orbs that gazed at him as he spoke was also a plus. Maimuna was not a hairy woman. In fact she hardly plaited her hair because it was extremely short.

But I would not fail to mention that her beauty was deep. Hidden. For a while if you take a quick glance at her, you would say she was ugly. Facial features were too strong for a lady, and that the hair was short. One would note the obvious: she was not slim, rather chubby and only 5ft5. The woman was not fair-skinned, but light-brown in complexion unlike her spouse whose complexion was more of an arab's and when you first sight him you would think he really is one. However completely unrelated—.

On that day, Luqman had announced his presence before approaching the staircase and yet received not an answer. I conclude it was embarrassing since I faintly heard him trying to explain to his pals about the situation. He made his way upstairs to get her but unfortunately, his mood was completely ruined when he got there.

Maimuna had not cooked that afternoon. Nor did she help sort his next-day clothing. He had found her lazily sleeping on the bed and tried to wake her up to which she reluctantly did. He did not waste any time. He rushed to my room downstairs and closed the door behind him. Firstly, he apologized for his failure to knock, which I did not mind although I hated such—I needed my own privacy. Then the young man told me of his problems. That he knew not what to serve his guests! There was no food—nor sliced fruits, and the beverages: she had not stocked them up in fridge!

The young man was disordered and uneasy as he waited while I ordered Ladi to slice the fruits, and break some ice. I fixed a pot of pasta—as that was the fastest I could think of. There were frozen meatballs in the freezer and I microwaved them to set up a spaghetti and meatballs meal.


I was seated in my usual place: behind the sofas in the sitting room as I watched the four men have fun. It was around asr time that we all turned and watched the young madam lightly step down the stairs.

I would not fail to remember the way her eyes glowed when she sighted he; Zuhair seated on the sofa. She excitedly greeted them and apologized for coming down lately. The following conversation took place:

"Zuhair, when have you returned?" she had asked.

"It's been almost a week, anty Maimuna," he replied, watching the TV just like the others did.

"Ma sha Allah, welcome back to Maiduguri!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"It seems anty Maimuna is more free with Zuhair. What have we done to be forgotten so easily like this?" Tahir had jokingly stated and everybody laughed.

"Well, she has ignored even me since she saw you, Zuhair. I will kick your head," her spouse Luqman jokingly responded, giving a small laugh.

"That is not the case, I swear," laughed Maimuna.

"Well, you should visit often," she informed Zuhair. He stared at her for a while before replying, "Yes, I would. It's lovely to see you after a long while."

With that, she left and the men stood up to perform their asr.


"Why did you embarrass me like that?" Luqman queried his wife, anger detectable in his voice.

"What's important now is that they already ate and drank to their fill, isn't that your main concen?" Maimuna raised an eyebrow at him, defending herself from his statement.

"But it was way too much to handle. We were in my home and I have been screaming a salaam for almost 2 minutes and received not a response from you!" His voice was now louder. "I went in and found you on the bed. SLEEPING," he stressed the sleeping.

"What is wrong with that?"

"What do you mean what is wrong with that..."

"Why don't you want me to sleep? What if I'm tired?"

"When did I ever stop you from sleeping? My only complaint is that you SLEEP too much," He sighed, "Why would you sleep when I texted you like an hour before that informing you that I was coming over with my friends?"

At that point I understood why he was very much annoyed by what happened.

"That was enough time to restock the fridge with sodas and-and set the rice-cooker, and pot up for rice and stew..."

"So now all of this is my fault? Why didn't you buy them frozen drinks on your way home?"

"Why would I do that? Why would I do that when I buy cartons of sodas every week, Maimuna? Can you please think logically before talking sometimes?"

"Great. So I'm not a logical thinker," she had frowned as the conversation was getting heated. She sulked and stood up to leave.

Now my eyes observed Luqman's face which looked troubled. Maimuna headed to the window to water one of the REAL plants I brought in on that same day.

The young man who was in love with this young woman stood up and slowly strolled to her. He embraced her from the back, his height towering her. I watched intently as he inhaled the scent of her uncovered hair; then gently kissed her neck. He whispered something—perhaps an apology.

I looked away, and left to my room unnoticed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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