Chapter 1

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~Ethan's POV~

I heard a soft tap on my bedroom door so I turned to look at it. Benny slowly opened the door and looked at me with a shy smile. I smiled at him softly.

"Do you mind if I stay the night E?" He asked.

I smiled at him and said, "you don't have to ask anymore. I'm fine with you staying the night." He smiled brightly and set his messenger bag down by my bed room door. Benny smiles sheepishly and leaned against my headboard.

"Why are you so smiley Ben?" I asked Benny. His smile only grew bigger and he sat up. "I got a new game today and was wanting to play it with you." He said and he walked over to his backpack. He handed me the game and I smiled.

"Let's play." I laughed.

A few hours passed and I soon dozed off leaning against Benny.

~Benny's POV ~

I smiled at Ethan's sleeping form. Leaning against his head softly I dozed off with him. We fell asleep leaning against his bed sitting on the floor.


I awoke to someone shaking me. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. It was still dark out and I was slightly confused until I looked over and saw Ethan. He smiled at me and I returned the smile happily and leaned forward kissing him softly then nuzzled his neck. I felt him tense up slightly so I pulled away and looked at him. He looked at me in discussed and shook his head. 'Your a gay fag' he spoke his voice full of hate. 'I don't want to be friends with a gay faggot. I don't want to be friends with you anymore Benny. Get out of my house and stay away from me you gay piece of shit' then he smacked me, hard.

~End dream~

I sat up with a start and looked around the room. It was still night time and Ethan was still asleep. I picked him up in my arms and laid him down in his bed then made my bed on the floor and lay down. Soon sleep took over again and I fell back asleep. The next morning rolled around sooner then I would have liked. Ethan shook me awake and told me to get ready because we had school today and needed to hurry so we wouldn't be late. Which leaves me sitting in his bedroom as I wait for him to finish getting dressed. When he was done I smiled and stood up grabbing my messenger bag as we walked out of his room.

My Babysitter's A Vampire (A Benthan FanFiction) ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now