Please don't leave me.

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~Ethans POV~
Once we got to school I noticed Benny was jumpier then ever. I turned to him and tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped and if I just smacked him.
"Are you okay Ben...?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just... You startled me." He looked away.
I decided to change the topic so I said, "I might ask Sarah out." He turned to me slowly then smiled softly. 
"You should. I know you love her. You should totally ask her out." He sounded slightly hurt. I don't know why I said that. I love Benny -sighs- not Sarah. I turned to Benny but he wasn't looking at me anymore, he was watching his feet. When the bell rang I grabbed his hand and dragged him along side me to class. 
~Benny POV~
I knew he didn't love me, but I don't know why it hurts so bad. I always knew he like Sarah. 
"Benny...?" I heard Ethan which dragged me back out of my thoughts.
"Huh?" I turned to him. He was looking down at his feet. Nobody else was in the classroom which meant it was lunchtime. 
"Um... It's time for lunch." He stood up and walked out of the classroom not waiting for me. I didn't blame him. He had to go find Sarah to ask her out. I stood up and exited the classroom much slower then Ethan did. I looked up and down the hallways and sighed softly when I didn't see him. I then made my way down to the lunchroom to see if that was where he ran off to. I saw him sitting at our normal table with his head down. It looked like he was sleeping but I knew better then to believe that. I slowly made my way over to him and gently rested my hand on his upper back. He tightened up.
"Ethan?" I asked calmly. He relaxed upon hearing my voice. 
"I can't do it." He whispered. I knew what he was talking about.
"Why not E?" I asked a bit more harshly then I meant to.
"I'm in love with someone else. I like her but I love someone else." I felt a spark of hope at that moment but didn't say anything. I felt his shoulders quiver. 
"But I don't think the person like me back." That's when my stomach sank. 
~Ethan POV~
'I almost let it slip.' I thought to myself calmly.
"But I don't think the person likes me back." I said softly. We stayed quite the rest of the day.
~Bell rings~
When the bell rang I jumped up and ran out of the classroom to go meet up with Benny. I smiled when I saw him waiting by my locker. I ran up to him a opened up my locker. I throw in my school stuff then shut the locker and turned to Benny.
"You ready?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled at him softly and walked along side him our hands brushing past each other every so often. I was slightly blushing and I looked at him only to see that the was beet red. I smiled softy. We walked out of the school and started our walk home. The walk was only about 15 minutes so it wasn't that far. 
"Hey look at the nerds." A voice caught said from behind us. We could heard the running footsteps coming up behind us. Benny grabbed my hand and took off running. I ran along side him for a little bit then one of them grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked me off my feet. I landed on my back hard. I never got to see my attackers before he started slugging me in the face. Benny's voice was loud and clear to me though. 
"Leave him alone!" He screamed. I knew he was weak and he was standing up for me.
"Who's gonna make us?" They started to stand up and leave me on the ground.
"I will!" Benny said. He was angry. I'd never seen him that angry before. The started to surround him. He didn't even flinch once. 

My Babysitter's A Vampire (A Benthan FanFiction) ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now