Not the Worst

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Nicki POV

"In entertainment news, rap queen Nicki Minaj and rap god Eminem have announced tour dates for a split bill in 10 countries over the course of a month and a half. A promotional advertisement for the tour shows the two wearing shirt from each other's last albums as they approach a mic. The tour will begin in England, but then hopscotches across the continent before the last show, which brings them back to the U.S. and is set in Detroit. Fans are, understandably, over the moon."

I smiled as I heard the news coming off the radio. My plane was going to be landing in Detroit in about thirty minutes, when we'd get fueled up and pick up Em. Although going separately was more the norm, it had worked out to ride together. Considering that we were going to be in the same bus and charter when we were in Europe, it'd be putting the toe in the water for how things would go.

My phone dinged as texts came through, but I knew to ignore them. Kenny and I had split up better than two months ago now, but then we'd tried to re-spark it. Only, I knew better than to do that. If getting with each other hadn't worked the second time, it sure as fuck wasn't going to work the third. We'd had about a week of bliss and then the explosions started up again. I'd finally shut it all down six weeks ago.

Despite the fact that I told him we were done and not going to rekindle the flame, he'd hounded me for another shot. He kept at it for a good three weeks before he realized that I meant it: we were over. Then, he started in on the bullshit that only an ex can do: hitting you right in the fucking guts time after time as they express their displeasure and try to get a rise out of you.

I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction, but that didn't mean I wasn't feeling that shit.

As I'd thought, the tour with Em was going to be perfect for timing. I'd get the Hell away and I'd be too focused on my work to be able to give Kenny a second thought. Hopefully, he'd get himself figured out by the time I got back to the States.

Leaning back in my seat, I tossed my phone to the side and let my eyes close. It'd be a good twenty or so minutes after we landed before everything was ready to go, assuming that it all went smoothly. I had time to catch a nap before Em and I made our way to England.


"Hey," I head a softer, male voice say. I jogged awake, frowning as I looked at Em, who was seated next to me. As I moved, I realized I'd let my head fall to his shoulder.

Trying to orient myself, I lifted away and stretched. I remembered Em coming on board and me telling him to sit so we could go over something, but then I must have fallen back asleep. Outside the window of the plane, it was dark.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, moaning slightly on the last word as I continued to work blood into my muscles.

"A few hours," he answered.

"What?" I asked, looking at him in surprise. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"It can be hard to sleep when you're touring," he responded. "Figured it better if you got it in while you could," he explained. I smiled and then patted his shoulder.

"Well," I said, "Thanks for being my pillow," I teased and he flicked a smile.

"Sure," he replied and then nodded toward the front. "The staff keeps hassling about us eating," he commented. "Apparently, they feel dutybound to make us take in nourishment and, since sleeping the whole way would give you a huge fucking case of jetlag, I thought it time to wake the sleeping beauty."

"Just call me Aurora, baby boy," I replied with a wink and the small smile widened to a real one. He almost never let people catch him smiling on camera, but Em had one Hell of a nice smile. It reached his eyes, which seemed to lighten and brighten with it.

"What's on the menu?" I asked and he snorted.

"I think they're trying to stuff healthy shit down our throats," he replied. "I heard something about encrusted sea bass and spring vegetables," he noted his lips twisting as he looked to the steward that was heading our way.

"Ms. Minaj," the steward said. "We're ready to serve you and Mr. Mathers dinner, now," he said with a bland smile.

"Tell me you're not feeding me fish when we're literally on our way to the country known for fish and chips," I demanded. His smiled stuttered and then he shook his head.

"No," he said. "Of course not," he continued. "I'm here to see if you have any particular requests. If we don't have what you're looking for, the suggestions might help us to narrow your options."

Beside me, Em snorted. He could see the lie tumble out of the steward's mouth just as easily as I could. But, it was working to our favor, so I wasn't going to call him on it.

"I'm a chicken fan," I responded. "And, I prefer it if it's on the unhealthy side," I continued with a wide smile. He nodded and then looked to Em, who shrugged.

"Give me whatever you get her," he ordered.

The steward nodded and scurried back down the plane, leaving Em and I to ourselves. I looked at him curiously as I sat there, and then I realized. There was a wet spot on his shoulder.

"Tell me I did not drool on you," I ordered, pointing at the spot. He looked down and then started chuckling.

"That's not the worst of it," he replied, his eyes turning teasing. I groaned and rolled my lips in. I didn't want to ask, but I had to know.

"How bad?" I finally questioned.

"I had access to my phone the whole time," he responded. I frowned, uncertain what that meant, until it started to connect.

"You took pictures," I stated flatly and a teasing grin appeared on his face.

"I did," he said. I waved a hand in the air.

"I'm not worried," I lied. "Your ass can't take a selfie to save your life," I noted drily and he nodded.

"True," he returned. "But I had hours to get it right," he continued.

"Em," I warned, putting my hand out. "You give me that phone," I demanded.

"Nah," he said. "I don't think I will."

"I'm not above jumping you to get it," I threatened. Em scoffed, clearly refusing to believe it. So, I pounced.

Em let out an oomph as I reached for his hand, which held the device. He was taller than me, so his wingspan was longer. As I tried to reach for it, his other arm came around my waist, holding me down while the other one was up in the air. The sudden motion of my attack threw us off balance and we fell to the aisle floor, Em laughing and braying like a damn donkey as I tried to climb up him to get the stupid device, muttering curses at him the whole time.

We were still like that when the steward came back with two plates of food.

Riding in the Time Machine - Eminem x Minaj Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now