Might As Well

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Nicki POV

Em and I stayed in bed for the rest of the night and into the following early afternoon. We ordered room service, played in the shower, and fell back into bed together to talk and tease and let things steam up again. The easy way we were together was just so damn nice after all the bullshit that I'd gone through in other relationships.

When two o'clock rolled around and we'd done nothing but lie about with one another, I finally poked him in the chest. He'd been running his hand over me from waist to ass in a lazy, satisfied male kind of way that was cute, but we needed to get up. If nothing else, we had to hit the road for the next show in a few hours.

"We've got shit to do, baby," I said, smiling at him. He bit his lip, smirking at me a little as he ran his eyes over me. "Em," I responded firmly. "The shit we have to do does not involve us remaining naked."

Marshall scowled a little and huffed. I laughed, unable to help the response. I was fairly confident that he'd have us spending the next three days in this hotel suite, if he got his way.

"Rather just stay here," he grumbled, proving me right. I smiled and leaned to him, kissing him softly before pulling back.

"There's that whole tour thing that we're on right now," I noted. "It's kind of a big deal."

Marshall closed his eyes and nodded. He heaved a breath and stood, watching as I did the same. I really didn't know how we were going to keep this under wraps. They way we looked at each other was going to give us away, regardless of how much physical distance we were separated by.

On the thought, I cocked my head. Although we'd chatted and talked, we hadn't really addressed the two-ton elephant in the room. It would be a good idea to do it, all things considered.

"How do you want to deal with the public?" I asked, curious. Em had years of practically inviting his fans into his relationship in his past, but then a more recent history of jealously guarding any hint of anything. In response, he came up to me, sliding his hands around my waist as he looked in my eyes.

"Privacy but not secrecy," he said. My brows puckered and he bent to kiss my neck, causing my eyes to flutter as I listened to him explain.

"I'm don't want anyone thinking I'm not proud to be with you, Nic," he murmured. "But, I also don't want people up in our mess."

"You know Imma post things on occasion, though, right?" I asked, acknowledging the reality. He nodded as he moved to another spot on my skin.

"Yeah," he admitted. "But, if we can try to be just us, without all the bullshit, I'd prefer it," he continued. I nodded and leaned back, cupping his jaw as I looked into his pretty eyes.

"I'm good with that," I replied.

He smiled and it warmed me. Although anyone who knew Em knew that he was a goof and laughed fairly often, he had a different face that he gave to the public. More than that, though, I was learning that there were even walls with the people he hung around. The smile he was giving me wasn't the same as the one I'd see even two months ago. It was softer, sweeter, and it made my heart happy.

"Alright," I said, rolling my neck and stepping back. "I'm going to get dressed and head down to my room to get ready."

"Give me five and I'll walk you," he responded, moving to grab a pair of pants.

"Em," I said. "It's one floor," I noted. He grunted in response, continuing to put his clothes on. Well, if the crazy man wanted to wait for my ass to get ready for the day, I wasn't going to argue with him.

When he was all dressed, which took less than the five minutes he asked for, he gestured toward the door. I shook my head on a smile but just moved with him, enjoying the feel of his hand at my waist. With both of us up here and not having called for our guards, the trip to my rooms should be without incident.

Of course, I knew better that to think that.

The Penthouse floor was on lockdown, so we made it to the elevators without any trouble. My floor, however, had five sets of suites. Each of the others were empty, or so we'd been assured. As a result, there wasn't supposed to be anyone else that would have access to the floor.

It wasn't really a surprise or a concern, then, when Em curled around behind me and started loving on my neck some more. I loved the attention and he seemed to enjoy what it did to me. The only problem was that when the doors opened to my floor, we became instantly aware that we weren't alone.

Cameras flashed as a group of what appeared to be press caught us, Em wrapped around me and me curling my arms behind his neck. Questions started in immediately as three of the dozen or so people put out recorders, asking us about how long we'd been together. Em and I both tensed, realizing that – as pissed as we both were about the interviews we were going to have to give about this scene – there wasn't anything to be done about it.

We'd already decided that we weren't keeping us a secret, but I'd thought to have at least a little time before people converged. Now, however, there was no going back. In less than minutes, the pictures that were just taken would be splashed over every internet rag there was as a 'scoop'.

"Whoever let these fucks up here is getting fired," Em grumbled in my ear. He hadn't moved from his position behind me, though he was no longer attached to my neck. If I looked over my shoulder, I was sure that I'd find he had his bland mask on.

I nodded and swallowed, plastering a smile on my face. Thank fuck I was wearing something that wasn't terribly revealing. Although I'd considered going with something sexy before I'd come up last night, I'd decided to go with comfort – I knew I wasn't going to be wearing whatever it was again until I left the room, after all. So, at least these assholes wouldn't get me in a negligee or Em's shirt.

"Em and I have to get ready for our next show," I stated. "So, we won't be able to do any interviews right now. Thanks for your interest, though."

With those words, Em and I moved as one past the media and to my room. When we got inside, I pulled out my phone as Em did the same. While I was calling for security to get them off the floor, he was yelling for someone to explain why my floor had been compromised. When our phone calls ended, he was breathing heavy and I was frustrated. Then, he licked his lips and his eyes darkened, changing the temperature of the room immediately.

"Might as well give them something to talk about," he suggested, pointing to the back room. I chuckled and leaned up to bite his lip.

"I like how you think."

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